Sunday, April 13, 2008


Criminal Minds: Is it okay with you if Andrew Wilder is joined in the chat room by Criminal Minds star Matthew Gray Gubler? I bet it is! I'm excited to announce that thanks to Ed Bernero, Matthew Gray Gubler, Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds, will be joining us in the Criminal Minds Fanatic chat room to discuss "Elephant's Memory" on Wednesday, April 16th at 10pm est. Matthew will be chatting with us from the studio between shooting scenes so please be on time for the chat since its length will be dictated by how much time is available. This will be a moderated chat so please email me or Stacy for the password to this very special chat. :)

**We all know that this episode is going to be awesome so it's a great time to try to convert anyone you know who doesn't normally watch the show to watch it! Tell your friends, family, your neighbors and strangers on the street that CM is the best show on TV! Those of you college students who did pro-WGA flyers during the strike could do the same things again to promote the show! Lets rock the ratings!


  1. Are you kidding? OMFG.

  2. I need a warning before you post news like this. I spewed wine on my computer screen and keyboard. This is great! Gube and Andrew in one room! It will be the middle of the night here but I'll set my alarm!


    Now I really cant wait for Wed! Wheres the fast forward button!

  4. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!

  5. Can he bring Matthew! Hah! The only thing beter than an Andrew Wilder chat is an Andrew and THE GUBE chat.

    I can't wait until Elephant's Memory and this chat.

  6. As Alvin once said- HOLY NUTS!!!!!



    ok turning caplocks off now

  7. This is the most amazing news I've had all week...It'll make this Wed extra special!

    Thanks to MGG and Andrew for joining us!

  8. I've been reminding all my friends to watch this wed and now I need them all to come to chat. This is going to be amazing.

  9. That is great news..... Unfortunately I will be missing the chat cause I am leaving for Florida on Tuesday.. But I will try to watch the show.
    Have fun everyone... ;-)

  10. This is amazing news. Andrew and MGG together in our chat room?!?!?!

    Thanks to both of you for doing this for us. Wednesday is going to be so great!

  11. That is great news!!

    Matthew-you have fans ranging from tots to grannies, and all of us are looking forward to the chat!!

  12. I'm numb. This is amazing. Thank you for everything you do for us all the time. You and Stacy have built a safe place for us to have fun in and a place the writers and now the cast feel comfortable in. I really appreciate the both of you and you both have my thanks.

    Andrew Wilder and MGG together is like winning the lottery. Thank you so much.

  13. All we ever give Andrew is praise and a hard time and he turns around and gives us Matthew Gray Gubler. I think we will have to watch football again for him next season. I already watched the Super Bowl for him but getting Matthew to come to chat is worth gold.

    Reid is my favorite character and Matthew is so talented. This is just great. Thank you Matthew. This means so much to so many of us.

  14. Hold the phone!
    Amazing news!
    How can I participate? Just have to e-mail you or do I have to be a member of the board? Because I'm still waiting for a response on that.

  15. This is very exciting. I love me my Reid. Thank you Ed, Andrew and Gube for doing this for us. We love you all.

  16. At least if I faint during the chat nobody will know except my boyfriend. :) Great news.

  17. Everyone at USF loves you Matthew. We'll all be watching you on Wed. and the whole group will be watching the chat on a couple of laptops. Thank you so much for giving us Reid and now this chat. We usually hit the bed after an episode but for you we can be late to class on Thursday.

    Thank you Ed, MGG, Andrew, Jill, Stacy and anyone else who has made this possible.

  18. I don't even know what to say. This is such wonderful news.

  19. What amazing news. I'll do my best to be there. Two of my favorite CM men in one "room". Can't wait.


  20. I'm having a heart attack! I'm too old for this much excitement.

    Is it Wednesday yet???


  21. I will give up CSI for the chance to chat with MGG and Andrew.

  22. I'll spread the word about the episode and the chat.

  23. I had to read the post twice to really believe my eyes. MGG is my favorite actor on the show and this is a great opportunity.

  24. Excited doesn't come close to how I feel about this. This is just freakin awesome.

  25. Criminal Minds is my favorite show and I really like Reid. MGG is a great actor and I look forward to having the opportunity to tell him what a great job he is doing on the show.

  26. Wednesday is going to be such a great day. First the new episode and then such a wonderful chat. Please thank Ed, MGG and Andrew for all of us because this is really exciting.

  27. I am a lurker here but I will come out of lurkdom for this. Is there a chance that Ed Bernero will do another chat in the future? I missed the one he did last year.

    It is so great to have new episodes on the air and I am very glad that I continued watching the show after the Super Bowl last year. I am also glad that I found all of you here at the blog and in the yahoo group.

  28. I can't think of one question to ask MGG. I would just like to tell him that he is awesome.

  29. Wednesday is going to take forever to get here. Thanks for arranging this.

  30. Awesome. Elephant's have long memories and so do fans. I think we will all remember this chat like elephants. Forever.

  31. Wow wow wow!! You guys are truly awesome to take time away from your busy schedules. Thank you so much. I can't wait!!

  32. Wow! Talk about unexpected! Two awesome peoples to chat with at once!

    Here's hoping I get home in time to join in...


  33. Great news and very exciting. I am so shocked. My first chat and it is going to have the Gube and Andrew Wilder in it. Thanks.

  34. This is so nice of both of them. They must be so busy catching up from the strike and they are making time for us. Wow like everyone else said.

  35. I think my eyes just fell out of my head. Thank you so much MGG and Mr Wilder for coming to our chat. Now I have two reason to look forward to wed now one new CM and two chat cool Ill be their as soon as I get password.

  36. I still am in awe of the respect that the writers, producers, cast and crew give the fans of the show. In so many ways, this has to be the best show ever. Thank you Ed, Andrew, and Matthew.

    BTW, I'm still having a heart attack and I may not be able to sleep between now and Wednesday.
    4 days, 19 hours and 42 minutes!


  37. This is such a huge thing that they are doing for us. Christmas in April.

  38. I could've fallen off the sofa at this! Thanks to Andrew and MGG for being so kind ... I definitely have to put this one down on my calendar and clear my schedule! *big grin*

  39. I almost fainted when I saw this!!! I can't wait for the episode and the chat!!! This is gonna be AWESOME!!!!

  40. I want to move to the United States so I can be wide awake for the chats. I will wake in middle of the night to be in chat.

  41. I can't believe it! Does anyone know what time that would be in Central European Time? I so want to be in this chat.

  42. I think I am going to through a party that night so all my friends can watch the show together and then we can chat too. Thank you Matthew! Thank you Andrew! Always thank you Ed!

  43. Oh my. What a wonderful announcement to wake up to! Gubler is coming to chat with Andrew and you ask if it is okay. lol. Yes it is okay with me. lol.

  44. Fantastic news. How do I join the chat? I will email the blog owner but if this is the wrong way please to correct me on the way. I don't want to miss out.

  45. Lovely. I'll stay awake too!

  46. What a great thing Matthew and Andrew are doing for us. I appreciate this so much. I'm truly looking forward to watching this new Wilder episode and I'm telling everyone I know to make sure not to miss it.

  47. I'm new to the series having only watched two episodes. May I join the chat or is it for just people who have been watching since the beginning?


  48. Guidance please. How do I get to the chat room? I am a big CM fan and I really liked MGG.

  49. Andrew Wilder has written three of my favorite CM episodes and Reid is my favorite character so this is a huge treat and thank you to them and to Ed for taking time out of their busy day to be so kind.

  50. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    i think i'm still dreaming! it's 9 am here and omg!
    omg omg omg! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    do you know what that meas for us dtg girls????? (not only that i have to stand up in the middle of the night ;-) )



  51. OMG, what a great way to wake up reading such a post!!!
    I think I won't be able to sleep until wednesday!
    Thank you so much Andrew and Matthew for taking time to chat with us. You're both amazing and we really appreciate that you'll give us some of your precious time.
    I still can't believe that!!
    Thank you Ed and Jill and Stacy, too. You made my start into the weekend amazing!

  52. I'm moved to tears. What wonderful thing to see on blog so early in the am.

  53. Thank you so much! I emailed you for the password but you may be asleep. Thank you.

  54. This is going to be a great episode and a great chat. Wow and ditto to what everyone else has said!

  55. Wonderful and rather shocking news. I bought Alvin & the Chipmunks on dvd yesterday and now this wonderful news. What a great chance for us all to join the chat and let them both know how much we enjoy their hard work. Such talented young men. Thank you to our wonderful Ed Bernero for gifting us with two of his best and brightest.

  56. OH....MY....GOD!
    THIS time i will try to fight my natural shyiness and mmmaybe...dddrop in...a bit...if I don't faint before....

  57. I want to tell him how much I love his drawings and Dr. Reid. His drawings are so full of whimsy and so much fun to look at. And Reid is Reid. Every show should have a Reid but MGG is ours so nuts on them.

  58. Oh what tortures does Andrew have instore for Reid in 'Elephant's Memory' and how long will it take for wed to hurry up and get here? Yeah for the chat!

  59. Somebody pinch me so I know I am awake and not dreaming.

  60. Hi everybody! Great News huh? Where do i have to go to chat with the MVP of the young actors on TV? I need a password or something? Thank you so much bye bye

  61. I remember when you started this blog. Seems like a lifetime ago. Look at what you have built and how it has benefited all of us. Thank you so much Jill for your friendship and for bringing us all together in celebration of a common interest. This chat would never be happening if you were not the person you are and chatting with Matthew Gray Gubler and Andrew Wilder is a dream come true for so many of us and we owe you an enormous amount of thanks. Thanks to Matthew and Andrew for joining us and to Ed Bernero for always taking care of us and always blessing us with his generousity and loyalty. Criminal Minds is a class act!

  62. Jill......thank you so very much for arranging this! To Andrew & Matthew, thank you so much for taking time out to come and chat.

    Jill...if you have the winning Lottery numbers for tonight, that would be good also!

    Thank you thank you thank you


  63. It doesn't get any better than this! Andrew with Matthew. Awesome! Wouldn't miss this one even if I do have to stay up all night.

    Will Deb and Erica be available after their episode airs? I really hated missing their chats as well.

    And if you can somehow manage to get Ed back then I promise I will stay awake. It broke my heart to miss chatting with him.

  64. My boyfriend asked why I am not this excited to chat with him. Hah. Count me in on the chat. Wouldn't miss it. Now I better go chat with Ben before he pouts.


    It says the chat is going to be moderated. Will we be allowed to tell MGG how much we respect his work? How much he adds to the show and that for some of us Reid is our favorite character or is that type of things not allowed?

  66. Thank you a thousand times again Matthew Gray Gubler and Andrew Wilder.

  67. just so you know: i am from germany and will get up at 4 am just to be here. and i have to go to school on that day! eventhough i will be´s freaking worth it!!

  68. that's so great. omg, they are so nice to do that. I won't be abble to come on the chat, but thank you!

  69. This is wonderful news..Thanks to Jill for arranging this and to Andrew & Matthew for giving us time out of their very busy schedules

  70. Whouaaaa!!!!!

    I'm so happy for you ^^ but i can't participate because my english isn't good :'(

    Matthew rest yourself, you are a very good person!

    Kiss from France for all!!

  71. OMG Andrew and Matthew at the chat, WOW!!!!

    Thanks Andrew, Matthew, Ed and Jill for making this chat possible!

    Oh why isn't Wednesday already?!


  72. OMG OMG....are you kidding me!!!???
    It's in the middle of the night here in germany but I'll join!!!!!!!!On the thursday I've 2 hours maths...hope I'll not fall with my head on the table!!!!

  73. ...thanks to Stacy too!!!!!


  74. Wow, I won't imagine all the squeeing on Wed... ;-)
    Good news for all MGG fans - have fun !!

    CU sindee

  75. I'm so excited. Directions for me too please.

  76. This is a great birthday present for me. Thank you for welcoming us to this chat. It is nice of you to include us.

  77. Ed didn't send us a cookie. He sent us a cake! OMG!!! This is too awesome for words so I will just dance around my kitchen some more.

  78. lol Cheryl!

    Thanks to MGG, Andrew, Ed and Stacy!

    This proves that if you have a site that plays by the rules, doesn't allow crap to happen and knows where the boundaries are that good things can happen. Great things.

    Please include me in this chat and thanks again for this great chance.

  79. Elephant's Memory is going to be so good and I was already pumped up for it before I say the link about the chat. Please let me know where new members can go to sign up. I will be nervous but I promise to watch my Ps & Qs!

  80. Color me there and thank you Matthew, Andrew, Ed, Jill, Stacy and G-d for doing this for us!

  81. Wow, what a way to brighten the melancholy mood I arrived home I cannot stop the happy bubbles bursting within. Hurry up Wednesday!!!! Reid-centric episode and Gube in chat, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. I have a feeling that the chat room is going squishy with all the Gublettes in attendance. :)
    I am looking forward to being there.

    Hopefully CTV here in Canada will get its act together so that I can see the episode before we all get together.

  84. Forgot to add, thank you sooooo much Ed, Andrew and Matthew for arranging this chat!

    This is the most incredible show!

  85. Thank you to all 3 of you for doing this, it means a lot to me and I'm sure the rest of the fans. I can't wait to talk after what looks to be a fantastic update. I'm a big Reid fan so I'm really looking forward to this.

  86. OMG

    I would love to take part. What an opportunity. Unfortunately it would be around 3am here and I'm working on Thursday but I'm going to consider being there.

  87. I would like to observe the chat. I would be way too nervous to participate. The Gube is my favorite actor on the show.

  88. For those with questions about the chat/how to join it, etc.

    Please email either Jill ( or me ( --I'm Stacy for those who may not know.:) ) and we will send you the information that you need. When you email, please let us know your username and which group you belong to--ie: the CMF board, Yahoogroups, LJ, etc. This is just to give us some idea of who is planning to be there. And while the password won't be set until Tuesday, please email us in advance. Thanks.

    If you're interested in joining the CMF Board, you can go here: to register, we'd love to have you, but it's not necessary to join the chat and observe, but because we don't know exactly how long MGG will be there, priority in aasking questions will be given to the members of the CMF board who are in good standing.

    If you have any other questions, please email Jill or me.

  89. Cool beans. MGG & AW!

  90. This is incredible! I couldn't be more excited if I tried. It took me a few minutes of staring @ the screen to make sure I was reading this right. I'll be there! Thanks to EVERYONE who goes above & beyond to make us fanatics happy!

  91. OMG amazing news. Thank you Andrew and Matthew for taking time to chat with us.
    Also a big thank to Jill, Stacy and ED to make this possible.
    It´s 3 AM in Germany, i´ll be there.

  92. Oh my gosh. SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm getting goose pimples just thinking about it. My poor niece had to scrap my jaw off the floor when I read the post.

    Just for future reference you NEVER have to ask if MGG or any of the other cast can join us for a chat.

    Is it Wed. yet? Is it?

  93. Cheryl, Ed didn't just give us a cookie or a whole cake, he gave us the whole darned bakery!

    Ed, you are a class act, without question. THANK YOU!

    Andrew, you know we love it when you join us in chats, you are so much fun. THANK YOU!

    Matthew, you are a brave man! There are so many Reid fans in this fandom, and I think each and evey one of them may need medical attention by the time Wednesday's chat comes around. Be prepared for an onslaught of adoration. THANK YOU!

  94. Many thanks to Andrew and Matthew for doing this. It should be one of our best chats yet.

  95. Whatever we did to deserve this honor we need to keep doing because this is fab!

  96. Can new viewers to the show come to the chat and can we come even if we haven't seen the episode? I would be happy just to watch the chat and see what the questions and answers are. I started watching the show a few months ago when my favorite shows went into repeats and I have hung with it.

  97. This is going to be so much fun. I'm very excited.

  98. Thanks to Ed from the bottom of my CM loving heart for all he does for us. I hope that he knows how much we appreciate every note, every chat and every cookie. Nobody produces a better show than he does and nobody treats its fans with more love and respect. Thank you to Matthew and Andrew for sharing their precious time with us. You are all the heart and soul of this wonderful tv show.

  99. Brazil shall be represented at the chat. I don't need to sleep.

  100. I'm the 101th person to comment and be all excited. I am really excited. Thanks everyone!

  101. haha omg that picture is adorble
    its so like matthew to add his middle name on his chair <3
    he has the best personality ever

  102. Hey, I just realized...I was so busy jumping up and up this morning (I couldn't jump DOWN, you know) that I forgot the most elementary rules of politeness (sp?)
    Mr Wilder and Mr. Gubler....

    I'm to SHY to jump into chats generally...and I don't like spoilers (I manage to watch the eps only the day after...)
    But this time, I wonder why...I could not miss it.

    wonder why....

  103. I'm super excited. but the chat is going on at the same time as criminal minds... i'll find a way to do both :)

    thanks ed, andrew and matthew for doing this awesome chat!

  104. This is awesome! Thanks to Andrew and MGG for giving up some time to us!

  105. Wow, this could be the closest I get to meeting an actual superstar! Thanks Ed! You're the greatest. Like the new look by the way.

  106. This is absolute amazing! It's gonna be a sleepless night on Thursday morning (Dutchie here), but it's all worth it.

    Thank you Ed, Matthew and Andrew! :D

  107. Jeez, I'm in Brazil, I wonder what time it's going to be for me. But I'll be there, if I can.

  108. Wow! This is great, I can finally make a chat too. Thanks so much to Ed, Andrew & Matthew for doing this!

  109. WOW ! What a fantastic opportunity you are giving us, Ed. Thank you so much for inviting MGG to the chat and also, thank you to MGG for taking the time to be in the chat. I am looking forward to being there to see what is said and possibly asking a question.

    Thanks again for an awesome opportunity.

  110. I think Reid makes the whole show! Thank you to everyone that put this together.

  111. I'm getting my gal pals together and we'll chat with Andrew and Matthew from one central computer. We just want to lurk and tell him that we loved Chipmunks and he is great on CM.

  112. MGG & Andrew Wilder are too cool a combo to pass on! It is like super sizing your Happy Meal!

    Also, the picture of the writers with the chocolate is wonderful. I like Ed's new look! Erica, Deb, Ed and Simon need to teach Dan and Andrew how to smile. lol. Love our writers.

  113. Too cool for words. Thanks, Jill for setting this up.

  114. Ed, Andrew and Matthew:

    Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to talk with us for a spell! I so look forward to this chat, but it totally wouldn't be possible without your generosity!

  115. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to chat with us! It's so amazing that the cast and writers care so much about all the fans. I'm sure everybody is super busy trying to get these seven episodes together in time, and the fact that you guys are willing to do this for us when you're already putting in the extra effort to get us so many episodes before season ends.

    Thank you, Andrew, Matthew, and Ed! You're all fantastic.

  116. WOW! Awesome!

    I might just try to wake up at 3am and be there for this one.

    Jill, you rock!
    Thanks to MGG and Andrew for taking the time to chat with us!

  117. Now I'm really wishing I had computer access that late at night still!

  118. The chat sounds like it'll be great, thanks everyone!

  119. I'm really excited about this :) I'm a recent Criminal Minds watcher and I don't know how I missed out on it for so long! I'm a prison psychologist and working in the FBI is my dream job. My application is in progress.

  120. Well, this actually makes me sad, because although I (occasionally/rarely) post on the message board, I've never used chat, and I have no idea how it works. I'd be happy just to read along, but I can't figure out how:-(

  121. A Big Thank you to everyone who made it possible and a special Thank You to Andrew and Matthew for taking the time to chat with us. :)

  122. Ooops..I should have thanked Ed Benero, Andrew and Matthew Gray Gubler...It's so nice that they give of their time to the fans of the show..

  123. I hope it is not too late to sign up. I would love to be there for the chat.

  124. Thank you very much for this chat! It's great to have chance get a little bit of insight with you :-D
    I'm looking forward to it.

  125. This is fabulous! I can't wait! *bounces* Reid is by far my favoriate character and MGG is amazing x a thousand. :-)

  126. This is a great way to make Monday morning exciting. I will be at this chat and thank you to all of you who have given me a great start to my school week.

  127. MGG is my favorite actor on the show. I have seen Alvin twice in the theater and I am so happy this chat is taking place. Thanks you a million times over!

  128. I'm going to email for instructions right now. Wowers! This is ultra cool.

  129. Thank you Ed, Matthew and Andrew for this shocking announcement. I am in shock.

  130. oops, i almost forgot to mention the most important part: thank you so much for doing this! *throws flowers* thank you! \0/

  131. I can't even remember the last time I was this excited. What a way to take a break during exams! Thanks to Ed, Andrew, Matthew and everyone who had anything in making this happen!
    I can't wait!!!

  132. Squeeee!
    I am so excited to listen to this chat. Thanks to MGG and AW and mostly to Ed B!

  133. Uh thanks Ed.

  134. Can Matthew come along? How many ways can I say yes? (I own a thesaurus, so actually quite a few, so I won't be that cruel.)

    I am looking forward to this chat so much I alreay told work to get out the Krazy Glue to keep me in my chair Wednesday and to expect a zombie in my place on Thursday, 'cause I ain't gonna be gettin' any sleep.

    Thank you so much, Matthew and Andrew, for coming to talk with us, and thank you Jill and crew for making it possible.

  135. I screamed when I found out about this! D:

    Ed, Andrew and MGG, thank you thank you thank you so much!
    This has made my entire week!

  136. I got so excited that I totally forgot to thank Ed Bernero, Andrew Wilder and Matthew Gray Gubler for being the best cast and crew that anyone can proud of being a fan of. Thanks for your time and acknowledgment of your fans.

  137. Its tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

    In just 35 hours and 17 minutes we will be talking with the fabulous MGG!

  138. Muchas gracias to Matthew and Andrew for taking time out of making awesome episodes to come and answer our questions!

    Thanks as well to Jill and Stacy and everyone else from CM Fanatic for all the organizing and such.

  139. At the moment on DTG he has a discussion about : what is the third doctorate of the Dr Reid? I think that it is in.......... but I make a mistake maybe
