Monday, April 07, 2008


Criminal Minds: Kirsten Vangsness, Penelope Garcia on Criminal Minds, shown above at the 22nd Genesis Awards on March 29th. I love her unique fashion sense. It is so Garciaish and definately sets Kirsten apart from everyone else. Our favorite gal could never be called "beige" and that is what we love about her! Unfortunately not everyone appreciates her uniqueness and she made the thumbs down list. The reporter must not have any taste!


  1. I love what she's wearing.

  2. I admire her sense of fashion and use of color. She is wonderful and I love her style.

  3. She's a knockout!

  4. KV rocks the planet.

  5. She is a free spirit and she dresses that way. I love her confidence and her ability to express her inner child!

  6. A++++ always. Thankfully she loves herself to be herself and not some fashion magazine cover.

  7. I really like the way she dresses.
    And what can you expect from a reporter who doesn't even spell the celebs name right...
    CU sindee

  8. I saw the freakin article too and it made me mad. Our tech goddess/queen of CM is perfection!

  9. She has a style all her own and that's what makes her so great! I agree, the reporter just can't recognize a good thing.

  10. Aren't our clothes supposed to express our personality and not some buttoned-up reporter's vision of style?

    You can tell just by looking at Kirsten in this pix that she is fun, colorful, and unconventional--and that is the way we LOVE her!

  11. I truly admire her sense of style and fashion.... She is a very talented actress and no one should put her down in any way...

  12. God bless people who dare to be different.

    This reporter is clearly missing the point.

  13. Frankly I'm tired of seeing actresses dressed up in those politically correct little black dresses. It's not an accurate reflection of the real world. Go Kirsten. Reflect your own vision.

  14. Kirsten=Perfection. End of story!

  15. She's beautiful.

  16. What fiend has insulted our sweet, daring, and fashion forward Kirsten?! He/She should be beaten with some horrible something. Darn it I'm so mad I can't even think straight. These stupid fashion writers aren't happy unless its some snobby Hollywood socialite.

    I love your out fit. You just keep being you and don't let anyone change that. You are a great roll model for young girls. You show them how to be themselves and have fun doing. Thank you for that. You are the best.

  17. Kirsten is beautiful, simply beautiful. I love that she isn't a slave to Hollywood's idea of fashion. I love the way she dresses - always fresh, bright, happy, interesting, care-free. Seeing her always makes me feel good! She is like walking sunshine.

  18. I love Kirsten's fashion sense. It's completely her own, looks good on her, and doesn't leave room for compromise.

    People like that reporter can't handle anything outside the box...anything doesn't fit into the "norm" is considered bad.

    Kirsten, I think you're sexy, gorgeous, witty, and fun.

  19. P*E*R*F*E*C*T*I*O*N

  20. I like that Kirsten has her own sense of style. I hope she stays that way. I see other actresses who have given in to the pressures of Hollywood of having to look and dress a certain way. Kirsten should keep on being herself and not become one of these Hollywood "Stepford Wives".

  21. I agree with Sweethang! It always seems like the other actresses at award shows are wearing the same style dress in different colors. They are boring. Kirsten is delightful to look at. Beautiful woman.

  22. Ditto!

    Kirsten is totally one of a kind!

  23. Fashion reports just want all the actors and actresses to conform to the style of the season. Yuk. I would hate seeing Kirsten in some drab black dress with a bow and black boring shoes. Love her just the way she is now. Free and fun.

  24. I's great to be different. Take risks!

  25. If someone is going to down Kirsten then at least they should spell her name correctly. They should also give us an email address to comment to so we can have 14 million viewers tell them where to stick their Pradas!

  26. I think she looks fab and she gets two thumbs up from me.

  27. Kirsten is picture perfect. The reporter is ignorant.

  28. I think she sets a great example for young people that expressing yourself and not conforming is a fun way to live your life.

  29. Sex and the City had Carrie Bradshaw and we have Kirsten in real life dressing to express her personality. Love it! Go Kirsten!

  30. She looks very beautiful. I so admire her. Awesome!

  31. I admire her too. I think Kirsten is a class act.

    Lets boycott the magazine that downed her.

  32. Wouldn't you love to have a peek in Kirsten's clothes closet! I bet it is wild and fun just like her. She is the best.

  33. KV rocks the planet & I hope she knows how amazing she looks!

  34. I wish I had the courage to wear whatever I wanted. I hope that when I am older I will.

  35. I love her style.

  36. KV: You are perfffeeeccct!

  37. I got the google alert on the article and I was also not a happy CM fan after reading it. I think if you look at the other people that were dished also you will see that they were also dressed really nicely. I love Kirsten's style and she is too nice a person to be dished on. Bah Humbug to that writer.

  38. Kirsten looks wonderful. Love what she's wearing. Beautiful!

  39. I love that dress it looks like she made it does Kristen make her own clothes I love her hair with the bow she always looks great no matter what she is wearing and those fashion reporters don't know what they are talking about I have seen outfits they say look good that I wouldn't put my guinea pigs in so keep on being different Kristen.
