Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Criminal Minds: Thank you to Andrew Wilder for pinch hitting at the last minute and joining us in the Criminal Minds chat room this past Sunday. I know we all appreciated his giving us his time during a holiday and while filming his newest episode. I know everyone is really pumped with anticipation for his upcoming episode, "Elephant's Memory" and if it is half as great as LDSK, North Mammon, The Tribe, Ashes and Dust and everyone's favorite, Lucky, then we are really in for a treat. Thanks Andrew! This picture is of Andrew testing a prop gun. :)


  1. Thanks Andrew. I look forward to your trying to top L.D.S.K.!!

  2. Ah, the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys...;)

    Seriously, though, many, many thanks to Andrew for joining us in the chat at the last minute. *G* You definitely rock!

    I'm also still very much a-squee about Elephant's Memory--I was already looking forward to it because it was an Andrew Wilder ep. But now, after the chat? Now, I'm REALLY looking forward to it!

    How many weeks until it airs? *G*

    Thanks again, Andrew. :D

  3. Many thanks to Andrew. I was already dying for the new episodes to start and after hearing him tell us how great all the new episodes are has made me crazy with anticipation. It was also very settling to hear that life on the set is better than ever. I really liked knowing that all is well in CM world. And we are getting a CM baby which is totally awesome. I am so happy for AJ and her husband. Yeah for CM!!

  4. I was in church and missed the chat which sucks BIG. I really love his episodes. Lucky is my favorite so far.

  5. Aw man! I missed the chat. Is there anyway some one could tell me what Andrew said? Also, did he say how the cast reacted when they found out A.J. was pregnant?? I'm sure they were thrilled, but it's nice to hear it from someone who was there.

    Pretty please? Someone give SOME idea of what he said?

  6. Is he going to be back? I missed him because of church. Darn it. LDSK all the way.

  7. Always a pleasure, Andrew!

  8. Thanks Andrew for the chat and all those great episodes!


  9. Andrew,

    Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend with us! We really appreciate it. You're the BEST!!!!!


  10. Our Andrew looks like he is having fun in that picture. Details??

    I caught part of the chat and he is a sweetie. He has written three of my favorite epis.

    Andrew, you rock!

  11. Thank you for coming to the rescue on Sunday and spending time with us! We always enjoy talking with you but knowing that you made a special effort (and sacrific of family time) to be with us means so much! You are first-class all the way!

    We love you Andrew!

  12. He certainly was upbeat and positively glowing about the new episodes. I smiled all through the chat. I could spend the night just watching his episodes and be very happy doing it. Even the fingers episode. lol. Loved Lucky. Just kidding.

  13. I can't thank you enough, Andrew. I look forward to the writer chats almost as much as I look forward to new episodes of the show, and this past Sunday was no exception.

    Can't wait for Elephant's Memory! (Though your previous episodes are hard to top!)

  14. Andrew,
    Thanks so much for coming to our chat. It was really great that you came, taking time away from your family, especially on short notice!

    By the way, that "prop" looks pretty real to me! Lots of fire power there!

  15. Andrew, thanks for letting us into a little piece of your world. You rock.

  16. Andrew, thanks again for joining us on Sunday, you are a treasure, or should I say an Easter Egg!

    Can't wait to see your episode--LDSK part 2--woo hoo!

    Lori - sorry I couldn't get it to post any other way but to go anonymous

  17. I can't believe that I missed it. I am so bummed out. We have CM reruns. Can we have a AW rerun chat?

  18. Thank you so much for joining us Andrew. It was a real pleasure to hear from you.
    Can't wait to watch your episode.

  19. Thank you Andrew. I missed the chat but I was told that you are psyched about the new episodes and that is music to my ears.

  20. You really do rock hard AW!

  21. Elephant's Memory is a great episode name. I've no idea how you can top the episodes you have already done but I love that you are trying. It means more great episodes for me so keep trying to out do yourself. Please.

  22. Andrew,

    Your episodes are always shocking and great. I look forward to seeing you beat fingers in the chili/stew.

  23. Thanks for coming to chat - we appreciate you giving up your time for the fans.

  24. hey, i missed the chat too. I'm so bummed. is there any way to get the transcript?? also which episode is elephant's memory gonna be??

  25. Andrew is amazing. I'm honestly honored to know have the chance to chat with him in the chats. Thanks Andrew!

    Lee :)

  26. Topping L.D.S.K.?????

    Mr. Wilder...if you can manage that...I will lllllllove you FOREVER!

  27. I missed him too and I missed the chat yesterday. Major suckage. I hope all the guests will visit again so I can have the op to speak with them and let them know I love the show and thank you.

    I'm dying to see his newbie. I loved all his episodes but if I had to pick a favorite it would be a tie between "Lucky" and "L.D.S.K." but they are all sooo goood.

  28. What is amazing to me is how normal and fun these talented writers are. They are so warm and sweet. We have the best writers in the world. When my friend at university tells me that the stars of her favorite show joins them once in awhile in a chat then I tell her that our stars visit us often. Our writers are our stars. I'm sorry that I missed Andrew. I would have liked to tell him that LDSK hooked me on the show and I love his episodes.

  29. There is something about an Andrew Wilder episode that makes it special. You never forget them. I can replay Fire and Enya in my head word for word.

  30. First I do want to say that the picture is just freakin cool as hell. I agree with Slashgirl about men and their toys and that one looks cool as hell!

    My biggest fear during the strike was that we would not get any new episodes and I am so happy we are getting so many new ones.

    Getting another A. Wilder episode is the cherry on the sundae. I am counting the days till our show is back.

  31. I missed Andrew Wilder's chat but I was lucky to catch Deb Fisher and Erica Messer. My first chat and it was terrific. I am blown away by these writers. I hope to be included in Mr. Wilder's next chat.

  32. Ashes and Dust was my first episode to watch & it was very special. It will be long time till I get to see his new episode so I hope we will read about it here after you lucky people see it. Hugs to Andrew from Gerta.

  33. The Tribe, LDSK, Lucky and Ashes and Dust are in my top ten favorites. Andrew really does rock as so many have written before me. Sorry I missed the chat. I was in church with my boyfriend and his family.

  34. I started watching CM because A.J. Cook was on the show so when Andrew wrote North Mammon I wanted to kiss him on the lips. Her first meaty role. Thanks Andrew for all your talented work and I will make the next chat no matter what.

    And, I agree that you really do ROCK HARD!

  35. I was experiencing major CM withdrawals until the chat. Now I am happy and back to counting down the days. The chat was like a dose of vitamins. Recharged me. Thanks Andrew for sharing your time with all of us. I hope that you enjoyed your time after the chat with your family.

  36. Missed the chat and I am really not happy. :( :(

  37. Thank you Andrew!!! I wasn't there but several members emailed me after the chat and told me about it.

  38. I am still not eating at diners since Lucky aired. I open the garage door before getting in my car since Ashes aired. What do you have up your sleeve this time? Can't wait to see!

  39. Thank you Andrew! ^_^

  40. I am dying to see the prop in his episode. I am just dying to see the episode. I feel like an addict going through withdrawal.

  41. Thank you so much Andrew.
    I can't to see Elephant's Memory!

  42. Thanks so much Andrew!!!

  43. I heard all about the chat and I wish that I could have been there but we hosted Easter at our house this year. My in-laws would have stroked if I had left the table to chat on the computer. You're one of my fav writers and I am anxious to see your new episode.

  44. Oh no, I missed a chat with Andrew - it was so awesome the last time. *hits desk*

    CU sindee

  45. Totally awesome Andrew.

  46. We're LUCKY to have Andrew Wilder writing for CM. :)

  47. That is cute Brandy!!

    We'd be in the ASHES without Andrew.

    Ashes and Dust and Lucky were easy but I can't think of one for LDSK.

    You're cool Andrew!

  48. OKAY. I want to play the Wilder game. L.D.S.K. is too hard but how about this one:

    We are LUCKY to have Andrew in THE TRIBE and not off living in NORTH MAMMON coaching basketball or cleaning up ASHES & DUST from fireplaces.

    That's the best that I can come up with.

  49. Andrew,

    Thanks for everyone. I am going to cheat because I agree that L.D.S.K. is way to hard to use in a sentence.

    I heard that Andrew Wilder has an Elephant's Memory.

    I'm excited about seeing Elephant's Memory. All your episodes are really great. Thanks.
