Saturday, February 02, 2008


Criminal Minds writers may well be back to work soon on new episodes of Criminal Minds. Fingers crossed that this means we will have some wonderful new Criminal Minds episodes in a few months!

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hollywood's striking writers have made a key breakthrough in contract talks with film and television producers, leading to what could be a deal between the two parties by the end of next week, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

Negotiators in the bitter labor dispute reached an understanding late on Friday on how to deal with payments writers would receive when their work was streamed over the Internet, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed sources.

Follow the link for the rest of the article:


  1. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Best news I have heard in months. Yeah!!!

  3. Wonderful. I read the article and the Times one that was posted in the yahoo group this morning. I pray they are right.

  4. This is great. Please let it be true.

  5. This is great news.

  6. Great! Lets hope we will get new CM
    episodes soon!

  7. I am so happy about this. I hope they can salvage the rest of the season.

  8. I hope this is true! It would be such a relief for all involved. I know those writers are sick of the picket lines and just want to get back to writing good stories.

  9. I really hope for the sakes of all those who have gone through a tought time because of this that it is right!

  10. God bless all of the writers and the crew. What a hellish time they have had and please let this all be over with for everyone's sake.

  11. Wonderful. Congrats to the WGA for staying strong.

  12. If they come back by next week, it would take at least 3 weeks back to shooting, so we would have how many episodes this season?


  13. Jones,

    I guess they will need time to write a script and then shoot it. I just hope they can get the crew back to work fast so they can get a paycheck.

    The strike ending is wonderful!

  14. Jill, please tell Ed and the writers that we are very happy for them.

  15. I hope they got a great contract. Fair percentages and the security they need and deserve. Are we still allowed to hate cbs for putting them through this?

  16. Hopefully they did not settle on less than what they were asking for. Their initial demands were reasonable and I still do not understand why the AMPTP let this go on for so long and ruin so many lives.

  17. Send hugs to the writers for us and please tell Ed that we're still here.

  18. Yippee! I need a new episode like a druggie needs a fix of crack.

  19. Can they salvage the rest of the season and how soon till our first new episode?

    Congrats to all!

  20. We saw the worst movie tonight and the restaurant we dined at had no heat. I was miserable by the time we got home but this has put a smile on my face. Great news.

  21. Thank G-d!

    I knew it would settle before the Oscars. Pity that greed made it go this long. I hope the new contract is generous. It needs to be.

  22. Dare we even really get our hopes up. This ordeal has got to be one the writers and below the line workers will never forget. My heart and prayers go out to them while they try to get back to normal living. More CM for us is a great thought but I am more concerned with their well being.

  23. this is great news.

  24. I'm not going to start being happy until the deal is done and signed. I've been jerked around by rumors before, and I'm going to wait with a healthy dose of skepticism.
    I'm sorry, guys. It's just how i feel.

  25. Finally! I'm glad it seems that neither the strike nor the support we tried to give the writers were for nothing!

  26. I am keeping all my fingers and toes crossed. And I hope they get a really good deal -- I am so proud of our writers for standing tough!

  27. I was in shock when I heard it on the tv. It has been going on so long. I am very pleased.

  28. Since the directors have a deal and the writers look like they have one does this mean that we have nothing to worry about with SAG?

  29. Great news. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  30. I cannot imagine how excited and relieved the CM writers must be right now. I bet they cannot wait to get back to work. Very good news.

  31. Can the TV season be saved?

  32. The AMPTP has ruined so many people's lives. All the workers who have been out of work all these months and all the businesses that feed off of the entertainment business. Plus lets not forget all the deals that were force-majeured which cost writers money. I think they always knew they had to settle this in time for the Oscars and they did. I hope Les Moonves rots and loses his job. He has certainly lost my respect.

  33. I never thought the strike would last this long. Amazing that it might finally be over but I want to see the details. I want to make sure that the WGA didn't cave in. After all this time and effort they need to have gotten a fair deal.

  34. Good News. I'm excited. Will we be hearing from Ed on this? Any idea how our writers are processing this new deal? What about the rest of the season?

    Do you think anything we did even helped? I made hundreds of calls but look how long this dragged on!

  35. We got to know our writers so much more during the strike but the price was too big. I join in the previous prayers for those who have had their lifes thrown upside down and for our writers who have been through hell.

  36. The WGA said that they would hold out for a fair deal. I hope that they did just that and that this 'new agreement' was not too much of a compromise.

    I'm hoping we get to read the details of the deal on United Hollywood. That site has been great during the strike.

  37. Faryn, I'm like you. I'm wondering if anything we did actually helped at all. :(

  38. I hate to be the negative one in the group but what if this is a trick to get a waiver for the Oscars? What if the deal falls through and they have been given a waiver?

    We need more information on the deal and a sense of whether the WGA thinks their membership will sign off on it before I get too excited.

  39. Season 3?????

    Any chance of it happening or did we run out of time?

    Yeah on the possible deal!

  40. I am a consumer and as a consumer this strike has changed how I want and will get my entertainment. I have a very bad taste in my mouth for CBS and their cohorts in crime.

  41. I don't know how they are going to mend all the feelings and work together again. How do you work side by side with people who f-ed you for so many months?

  42. I wonder how much money the Corps made canceling the pilot deals and putting so much reality on tv? I hope they rot.

    I hope the deal is a good one. It has to last them for years.

  43. I hope we never see another strike sign again and I am sure the writers feel the same way.

  44. I knew they would never let the Oscars be canceled and have that on their shoulders. Too bad they screwed the writers for so long but I think everyone knew it would end just this way and exactly in this time period. Glad that it is almost over. Hopefully.

  45. i hope its over soon, i so hope it!

    cant believe only 9% would want to have a glass of wine with joe :(

    i drew a picture of him - sadly it sucks alot but i only draw once a year or so..

  46. Wow! Months later and zillions of bucks later the other side decides it is time to be reasonable. Holy hell.

  47. Awesome. Fingers crossed.

  48. Writers Rule!

    Now lets see what happens next week and with the rest of the season of all my fav shows.

  49. Dare we hope? This would be such welcome news.

  50. Jillybean, Has there been any word from the writers or Ed on whether they believe the news reports?

  51. The AMPTP can't be trusted. I will believe the deal is sealed when Ed comes and tells us so. There are too many differing opinions on the announcements being made by the media in the last 24 hours. I just read the comments on Nikki's site and the commenters there don't believe the deal is done but rather that the WGA is being played....again.

  52. I'm choosing to be hopeful but in all honesty I don't like Finke's site. She censors the comments that people leave and she pokes people too much. Too much negativity there for my taste. I prefer United Hollywood.

    I think this is good news. I believe the AMPTP always intended to save the Academy Awards Ceremony. It is a big deal for them and sacraficing them to make more money off of the strike would have made them totally alienated by everyone.

  53. All I know is that Moonves and the Eye owe me 10 more episodes and I want them all. I hope it costs them big bucks to make them. I hope he is fired and sued by the CBS shareholders. He is a total loser in all of this. He bought himself a load of bad karma and TV viewers have long memories. They need to drop his ass onto the next Survivor island and leave him there.

  54. Good things come to those who wait but the writers have waited long enough. Please let this finally be over.

  55. Why would the news report a deal if no deal existed? I fail to see the logic in that?

    I say YEAH.

  56. gilandsararule, you said it right, I'll believe it's over when Ed Bernero tells us so.


  57. While it's far from concrete, it looks like a good sign, so here's hoping things work out from here!

    Cal from LJ.

  58. I think it is probably days away from being over but I will join the group waiting to hear it for Eddie B.

  59. Keeping my fingers crossed too that this will be an equitable end to the strike. The CM team has been through too much and I hope and pray for an end. Hang in there,guys! We're still behind you!!!!!!!!

  60. Yeah! That's one awesome news!!! Woo hoo!

  61. I will jump with joy only when the strike will be officially over... I don't trust AMPTP.

  62. So, any more news?

