Friday, December 07, 2007


Criminal Minds: Here is a note from Edward Allen Bernero, Executive Producer of Criminal Minds, to the show's fans:

Hello again, AMAZING CM Fanatics. Thought I'd drop in
with an update (such as it is) since week 5 of the
strike is coming to a close and, unfortunately, it
doesn't appear to be any closer to resolution.

Though the WGA and the AMPTP has been at the table for
two weeks now, there has been little movement. I have
a decidedly biased view of the situation but I think,
even someone completely objective can see the actions
of the AMPTP are pretty unconscionable. They
presented half an offer, still haven't responded to
our counter offer, keep asking for time and blaming
the WGA every time the negotiators grant them that
time. It's childish and bullying and, I would have
thought, beneath them. Plus, it seems like they are
already going to lose more money than any deal would
ever cost them and they are harming hundreds of
thousands of people who rely on the entertainment
industry in the process. Never forget that. They are
hurting people. Willingly and intentionally.

If you check out Nikki Finke's columns on her Deadline
Hollywood and the United Hollywood web sites you can
keep up with what's happening. They're both updated
on a pretty regular basis throughout the day (I go to
the various sites it seems like a hundred times a
day). United Hollywood especially posts many things
fans can do to support us (like the pencils thing).
Not only financially, but suggestions for phone calls
or letter campaigns. Proactive things like that. I
wholeheartedly support and endorse their activities
and I'd appreciate you all doing the same thing.

Finally, you guys have been incredible in your support
of the show and of us individually. We have opened an
account with the monies you've already donated and now
have a fund ready should anyone in our crew family
need assistance. A fund made possible by all of you.

Thank you is nowhere near a strong enough response
but it's all we have and we humbly offer it.

Ed Bernero


  1. Ed- anything we can do to help. And know that we stand behind you 100%.

  2. Sorry they are dragging their feet. It sounds to me that they are trying to break apart your union or guild. Not sure if the WGA is a union or a guild.

    Thanks for the update. I have everyone that I know making phone calls and writing emails.

    God Bless you all.

  3. 100% support from all Criminal Minds fans for you and the strike.

  4. Whatever it takes to help!

  5. I may not agree with all the different strike plans that are circulating but I always stand by you Ed. I will continue doing all that I can do to help and please tell the crew that we care very much about them.

  6. Ed, I think I have spoken to CBS more in the last month than you had in the month before and I will continue calling them and voicing my outrage until this strike is over.


  7. I'm so sorry this situation is causing so much pain for so many people.

    I'm much better at expressing myself in writing than on the phone. Are there handy addresses (e-mail or snail mail) for CBS, Disney, and any other players (such as major advertisers), besides Coke? I'll write every day!

  8. Ed, thank you for taking the time to update the fans. You have always been considerate and supportive of the fans so we want to reciprocate likewise. I wish there was more we can do to get a quicker and equitable resolution to this horrid strike so you can get back to writing wonderful scripts. So in the meantime, we will continue to write, email, call, and send in what we can to help out!
    Sending e-hugs to all, Joanne

  9. Thanks for the update Ed!

  10. Please let everyone know that we are behind you all completely. Thank you.

  11. Thanks, Ed. My daughters and I will continue to write and boycott all advertisers and write and call CBS until this is resolved in a fair manner. It's kinda cute watching a ten year old, six year old, and five year old become zealous for the rights of workers. I'm proud of them, as i am of the WGA for standing their ground. I know it's tough, particularly at Christmas. From one writer to another, it's important to not give in to the insane proposals the other side are making.

  12. We're letting the ad companies know that our family is participating on the product boycott. We are backing you Ed!!!

  13. Ed- Thanks for the update. I'm behind the WGA totally.

  14. I hope the writers and you know that we really want you all to get a fair contract.

  15. Ed, we will do all the we can to help the strike effort. I like most of the ideas on United Hollywood and am implementing them and we follow the cm strike plan in our home. Good Luck.

  16. Marina, It is union busting and that is what is happening here. There seems to be no end to the greed.

    Ed, Thank you for taking some of your precious time to update us on what's going on. I am sure you realize that the press often has conflicting stories.

  17. Thanks so much Ed!! Hugs to all.

  18. I appreciate the update and I stand behind the writers and I hope that all the calls and emails are helping.

  19. Total support from Ohio!

  20. Ed,

    What is the benefit to them for dragging the strike out so long? They are going to have to eventually settle it and all the workers out of work are suffering? Is this really being done just to bust the wga union or is there another advantage for them?

    I read the two sites you listed but the daily reports are one day positive reports and the next day they are doom and gloom.

  21. Thank you Ed for including us in your thoughts and we include all of you in ours. It is hard for me to call but I do email often and I am spreading the word.

  22. Ed: God Bless everyone involved with the show and all the other shows. My heart is heavy for those out of work.

  23. Hold your resolve. It will all be worth the sacrifice in the end. Stay strong.

  24. I wish you all good luck and I am behind you all the way. I would love the chance to win a telephone call with you or the cast but I am more concerned about the people not working so I am sending weekly checks for the fund instead.

  25. 100% from me and I am sure everyone. You don't need a PR firm to misdirect the issues. Public support is completely with the writers union.

  26. As much support as I can give from Germany! Thanks for the update. Unfortunately - since I'm still studying - I can't donate as much money as I'd like to, but I'll try whatever I can. Hope the AMPTP collects her wits soon.

  27. I am just continually blown away, Ed, by the amount of time you take out of your life to actually contact us personally. I have experienced that with no other, and that is truly one of the most admirable things I've seen in a long time. We're there for you guys, through thick and thin, and even if CM doesn't come back for another year, we'll be sticking behind all of you 100%.

    *big hugs from Canada*

  28. Thanks! I am doing the strike plan.

  29. The AMPTP should be ashamed of themselves and if they think we are stupid they are wrong. There has to be a price they pay for their bad behavior. I think boycotting is great but there needs to be some long term consequence so this doesn't happen again.

  30. Ed- Thanks for your time. We all support the WGA and the great writers of CM.

  31. Total solidarity among CM fans. Thanks Ed.

  32. 100% support!! Grab the writers and start your own internet or cable company and make another show and we'll watch it. I want CM back but not at a cost to anybody's future.

  33. Ed, Yes! 100% support!!!

  34. Ed- Could you find a way to slip us Les M's home phone number! We'll call him there too!

  35. Ed- 100% should be the new CM motto!

    I would watch any show you all did. I agree with asher. Start your own company or at the very least couldn't the individual networks make contracts with the writers of their shows or the WGA?

  36. You don't have to thank us for anything. We have always been here for you and the show. We care about the staff and crew. We care about the emotional toll this must be taking on you and the writers.

    It really seems like the AMPTP is stringing the WGA along. They should rot in hell.

  37. 100%!!

    I go to United Hollywood and Nikki's sites but I stay away from the comments sections. Too much fighting going on in them.

    I hope that the people laid off are okay. I also hope they understand that the writers did not do this to them and that is was the AMPTP that caused them to lose their jobs. I will try to send another check for the Assist Fund. I'm also trying to win the raffle!

  38. Ed-

    100 percent from me and I haven't stopped calling advertisers since the strike started. I am boycotting products, dvds, reruns, and just about everything else.

    Take Care!

  39. Thank you for the update. 100%.

  40. Thanks Ed. I make as many of calls as possible and I will support all of you in whatever is suggested.

  41. Thank you so much for taking the time to keep us posted! We will continue to write, email (and buy pencils)!

  42. I am rip roaring pissed off that the writers are being treated like anything other than the true talent responsible for all the best show. Total support from me!

  43. Songfire,

    Please add donating to the Assistance Fund to your list. It is to aid the below the line crew and staff of the show which I know is a big concern of Ed's.

  44. I'm shocked to read they walked away from the table. The nerve of them to be so dishonest. Disgusting behavior.

    Thanks for your update! I think the present situation is just wrong on so many levels. Free work and firing innocent workers. Bad news.

  45. Thanks Ed for the update. I wish it had been better news. I hope the strike ends soon but it sounds like it is going to be a long hard fight. We're here!

  46. Thanks Ed.

    Following the plan and willing to do whatever else it takes to help.

  47. Totally behind the WGA in this fight. I hope that SAG is still being as supportive as they should be. I hope that the actors of Criminal Minds are standing with all of you. It is certainly the least they can do.

  48. Ed, you and the other writers out there on the picket line know you have our support, 100%. While I'm apalled by the actions of the AMPTP, I can't say I'm surprised. It's the same with all big companies when it comes to how they treat the very people who work so hard to earn money for the company. They say they value their employees but they do everything they can to keep as much money as possible in their own pockets at the cost of the well-being of those they say they value so much. The AMPTP needs to look up the word "negotiate" because it certainly doesn't mean walking away from the table without even giving the other side's proposals serious consideration.

  49. The alliance said it was "puzzled and disheartened" by the Writers Guild of America's ongoing negotiating strategy "that seems designed to delay or derail talks rather than facilitate an end to this strike."

    This was on AOL news. Who owns them?

    Royal suckage!

  50. It's ok Ed. We'll support you guys as long as we need to. No doubt about that. Criminal Minds is our favorite show and we'll fight for it.

    I'll also continue to be there with you guys at the studio gates on days that I don't have to work. See you Monday.

  51. We will be with you until the end!
    *running to write some more mails, make some more calls, buyng some more pencils.*

  52. Ed,
    They should realize that making the viewers mad at them could have long term effects. I don't understand how they just walked away from negotiating.

    I will send another donation in when I get paid and I already am making phone calls and emailing.

  53. All love & support!

  54. I hope CBS loses their shirt for this stupid move. I will miss some of the things we are boycotting but it is worth it to show my support. Thank you Ed for the update.

  55. 100% for you and the other writers!

  56. Ed,

    How can those of us who do not live in the US make a difference? I would like to help too and make a difference.

  57. As always, we are here to support you.

    Lee <3

  58. Thank you Ed. I'm doing my share and will definately be doing more now since they screwed you all and left the table.


    Little old but interesting!

    Start your own company Ed. Take all the writers with you. We'll watch what you produce.

  60. Several fans have been discussing the prospect of congressional hearings and the need to force the networks to give a true and accurate accounting of their books. Have you and the other showrunners considered asking the WGA to push for congressional hearings?

    Fan support for you and Criminal Minds is not even a question. The show's fanbase is alive, supportive and helping in all ways available.

  61. 100% support for all the writers and workers being effected by the strike.

    I think it is going to be interesting to see what happens to Les Moonves when his stockholders start seeing their stock becoming more worthless by the day. I hope he loses his job. I hear that McDonalds is looking for a new Ass't Mgr. I think it pays $7/hr!

  62. I think CBS will be okay till next year because of the holidays. I feel horrible for the workers without a paycheck this holidays.

    Sorry, thanks Ed.

  63. 100 percent from me and I am proud to be calling for CM. Proud!

  64. Ed- You're a very kind person to update us and I hope that you are okay. I bet the stress for everyone there is almost unbearable. I wish there was more that we could do as a group.

    I would like to picket infront of all the homes of all the networks' head idiots.

    Reality tv is okay for an occasional thing but it bites if that is what we can expect to have as all our options.

  65. Ed- 100% like everyone else has already said.

  66. Thanks Ed for again taking the time to update the CM fans. You are amazing.

    We support the writers and hope for an equitable settlement soon.

    I hope the crew is doing okay and that they will be getting their paychecks again soon, but until then, we are here for them!

    Gotta go buy some pencils!

  67. It's astounding to me that people in the positions of those in the AMPTP are so short sighted about things that are going to cost them way more money in the long run.

    Short sighted about how their actions affect PEOPLE, yes. I've come to expect that from corporate America. But short-sighted about money matters--that just floors me! You'd think they'd be smarter than that!

    Thanks for the update, Ed. The fans are still here, right behind you!

  68. Thanks Ed for the updates.

    We Fanatics are still behind you!

  69. Thanks for taking the time to do this, Ed.

    We are all supporting you guys.

  70. Thank YOU, Ed, for taking the time to give us an update. I've said it before, but it bears repeating--in all my years in various fandoms, I've never seen an Exec Producer who cared so much for the fans and kept in touch with them--you rock!

    Know that the CM Fans are behind you and all the writers--we will be until this thing is settled.

  71. Ed, thanks for the update. We're doing our part, as much as we can in our family! 100% behind you and the writers!

    You are all in our prayers. Stay strong!
