Thursday, December 27, 2007


Criminal Minds 2007: This has been one hell of a year for me & Criminal Minds. The year started out with my trip to the Criminal Minds set and having the opportunity to meet so many of the wonderful people who work on our show. Hugs from Shemar Moore are too special to even describe but I won't ever forget them; lunch with A.J. Cook and Matthew Gray Gubler which was just plain fun. Visiting with Kirsten Vangsness was certainly one of the best parts of the trip. She is kind, humble and so obviously genuine. Meeting Scott David and Gina Garcia Sharp was terrific. Watching the amazing cast shoot "Ashes and Dust" and "Honor Among Thieves" was thrilling and informative. Meeting Ed Bernero scared me the first time he walked into the room. Ed has a presence. It took about 60 seconds to realize that this man is sweet and wonderful. Paget Brewster earned herself a fan for life with her gentle kindness and loving heart. Watching Thomas Gibson work an 11 hour day really gave me a taste of just how hard our actors work. Realizing that the crew had worked even more hours than him that day taught me just how difficult it is to produce a show like Criminal Minds and how hard all the crew really work. Talking with and watching Andrew Wilder work was incredible. It is not often you are given the opportunity to meet and really talk to your favorite TV writer. I won't rehash the entire trip but it was a great experience and very eye opening. The year was certainly off to a good start for me as a Criminal Minds fan and the show was doing very well in the ratings. It was all good.

Several months later, Mandy Patinkin threw a nutty and quit without warning leaving the entire Criminal Minds writing staff with seven virtually worthless scripts and a production company in shock. Ed Bernero told us the truth when nobody else had the balls to do it or the respect to think we deserved the truth. An endless stream of potential replacements' names flowed rampant on the internet which only enticed the mainstream media to call the show "dead and dying". Joe Mantegna was announced as our newest star by Ed Bernero which caused a backlash from CBS. God, how those people hate it when someone tells the truth. Thanks go to Ed for caring enough about us to not wait for the white bread announcement to come from the network. Joe was announced and once again the media went into overtime predicting the day in which the show would officially tank. Criminal Minds fans united behind Ed Bernero and the show and resolved that this just wasn't going to happen. Let's not forget that while all this was going on we all knew that there was a potential writers strike looming over our heads. Our writers pulled it together and everyone associated with the show worked their collective butts off and the third season of Criminal Minds started.

Criminal Minds' third season had so many things stacked up against its chances of being succesful. While the media waited to close the coffin and many fans held their breath the show quickly found its pace. It wasn't the perfect beginning but it was enough to remind everyone why they loved the show in the first place. We watched Gideon leave the BAU, we listened to Mandy Patinkin read the "letter" that no true fan of the show didn't immediately know was written for US by Ed Bernero and we said goodbye. One stumbling block gone. The ratings were good and the critics stayed quiet. We enjoyed our cherished six remaining stars and we enjoyed the incredible writing of our writers. Criminal Minds fans are not known for liking change so Joe Mantegna's introduction was apt to start many conversations and it did. Rossi entered the Criminal Minds family with mixed reviews from fans as was predicted. By now our ratings were no longer good. They were outstanding. Our top 20 show was consistently in the top ten and the critics shut up. Rossi found a home and we all waited to see if there was really going to be a strike.

The WGA went on strike leaving Criminal Minds with a handful of episodes left to air. Ed Bernero explained the strike personally on the blog to the show's fans. In the midst of walking picket lines and worrying about not only their own futures but those of their co-workers that were let go from their jobs by CBS and Disney our writers have spent time with us in the chat room talking about everything but spoilers to the absolute delight of the fans. Kirsten Vangsness and Gina Garcia Sharp visited the blog again to say hello and show their support for the writers. Criminal Minds fans rallied behind the writers and started a calling and emailing campaign to voice their anger to CBS, Disney and the advertisers that is still ongoing. The Criminal Minds Assistance Fund was started by Stacy and me to aid the wonderful crew of the show. Fans of the show have and are still contributing to that fund. CBS pulled our last two new remaining episodes off of the schedule and still the repeats stay strong in the ratings.

On Christmas Eve Ed sent us a very sweet letter with his reflections on this past year. He talked of the possible need for new beginnings and his appreciation of its fans. I often think that Ed is the only person in Hollywood that understands that the relationship between a show and it's fans is more important than a two page glossy article written in a CBS approved magazine. It isn't about showing your face only during the bad times but also sharing the good times. The relationship between Ed and the fans of Criminal Minds is cemented for all time as it should be because he has earned it. I hope we have many reasons to celebrate with Ed in 2008. I hope for a lot of things. Work for those sitting idle. Appreciation for the writers and a new contract. Hopes & prayers are great.

The one sure thing that I know is that a repeat of Criminal Minds is better that anything new another show airs. Criminal Minds is a top ten show. Our writers are gifted. Everyone knows that. I owe enormous thanks to Stacy who is as responsible for this blog, the CM Yahoo group and the CMF website as I am and to all the moderators of those groups that work so hard all across the world to bring fans together in appreciation of the show and in friendship. I hope that everyone is enjoying their holiday season and has a safe, healthy and happy New Year.


  1. OMG. I am almost crying. What a great post Jill. CM rules.

  2. Thank you to everyone here that took the time to answer all my newbie questions when I found the show after the Super Bowl. You are all so great. Criminal Minds in 2008!

  3. The pictures really tell the story. Really nice post and thank you and everyone for the blog. I love it. I love the show.

  4. great certainly has been quite a year. thank you for being our information gateway and keeping us apprised.

    you really put a lot of time and effort into this blog, and we all appreciate it, and look forward to future posts and chats.

    rock on in the new year

  5. You and Stacy are amazing! Thank you both for all the great and positive feelings places you have created for the rest of us to have fun in. Happy New Year to both of you.

  6. I lurked in the chat with Deb and Erica but it truly was thrilling for me. Thank you all so much for giving us the opportunity to know our writers better. I am sorry that I lurk. I will try better in the new year to comment more.

  7. I've known you for many years and I find new reasons all the time for being truly grateful that we are friends. My best to you and your wonderful daughter. All the best to you my friend.

  8. I was also a newbie like Mona. We hit the fandom at the same time. What other group of people besides all of you would ever take the time to be so kind to new fans who constantly had question after question. Thank you to all the members here that answered every single one of my emails and questions. I not only found a great new show but a fandom that really pulls together to make new members feel welcomed and appreciated. Thanks so very much for being so patient and so nice. The show and the blog are the perfect combination of class.

  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Your amazing inner self always shines through when you write a post. Your loyalty and concern for the show always rises to the top. We all know that much more went down for you this year and yet you vented it and got over it and put promoting the show first. I am not sure many of us could have done the same thing. You are special and thank goodness for Stacy and her screencaps. I love them. And the santa hats were awesome!

  10. In the end I knew your disgust for the "alphabets" (as you now have us all calling them) would never win out over your commitment to the show. I would have walked away. I would have run away. I am very happy you didn't do that. Your positive energy is priceless and needed. Have a great New Year Jill and peace and love to everyone on CM!

  11. To Ed, Jill, Stacy, the CM writers, cast, crew and moderators:

    My heartfelt wishes for a wonderful New Year. Lets all come out kicking in 2008!

  12. What a hellish year this has been! No kidding babe. You nailed it! Better things in 2008 and I want a Shemar hug!

  13. Reading through tears. Hated Mandy leaving and now I just plain hate Mandy. Not good but I own my feelings.

  14. You left something out of your post. Something I think is important. You always shared. You shared your experiences about the trip. You sent out the autographed pics. You sent us dvds when we could not afford them ourselves. You arranged all our chats with the writers and Ed this past few months. You are so inclusive. Thank you for that. It is unique to find someone who cares more about other people than their own self. I would have fainted if I had met Ed Bernero.

  15. Wonderful post. Best to you and yours.

  16. Thanks to everyone for this blog. I visit it with my morning coffee everyday. Thank you for keeping it so accurately updated.

  17. I spewed my coffee at the computer screen when the blog opened and the top picture was of Patinkin. Someone owes me a new keyboard. lol.

    Lovely post Jill! God Bless.

  18. I am thankful for all of you!

  19. a brillant post although I do object to you saying that mandy patinkin threw a nutty and left CM, and I thought you were a loyal fan of his HMM,I am a loyal fan of the series and hopefully when the strike is over all will be ok, I prasie you and the others on this site for staying loyal and ture to this great series, it's cast, writters etc.

  20. Excellent post. Thanks for keeping us CM fans up to date with all the latest happenings. Here's to a great new year for CM

  21. Anonymous,

    Any way you want to look at the situation, "Mandy threw a nutty" and I have been his fans for about 6 years now. The truth is still the truth!

    Thanks Jill & Stacy! Love the blog.

  22. Great update. Thanks for posting it. I hope for a great contract for the writers in 2008!

  23. When you really take a look at it you realize Joe walked into some really bad crap. At least he is on a great show but this whole thing has got to have been hard on him. Poor Paget can be there to tell him that we eventually come around. She went through it. I love reading that she is as nice as I assumed she was.

  24. It has been a really long CM year. Ups and downs and all arounds. What a ride!

  25. AWESOME post. Stars leave, new ones come in, writers go, new ones come in and then this freakin strike. I want to thrown bricks at the CBS bldg I am so mad about the strike.

  26. Before I get old and die I want someone to adequately explain to me why interviews are given to journalists who trash our show on a regular basis. Anyone have an explanation that makes any sense?
    Slam the show, slam the show, do an interview with a celeb and then back to slamming the show. Really stupid imho.

    Peace in 2008 and much more blogging please.

  27. Erica,

    Fat chance on ever getting a good explanation on that. TV Guide should be banned from the Criminal Minds set and still they are given interviews. Ausiello has been quiet lately. Has anyone checked to see if he is alive?


    I really enjoyed your update. You slapped a set of dvds in my hands and dared me not to watch them. You know that our whole family is now hooked. I love how your face lights up when we talk about the shows at temple. I wish that everyone on the blog could see how seriously you talk about the strike and the writers. You are truly a force of right over might and one of my best friends. All my love to you and Emily and I look forward to seeing you on New Years Day.


    Please change your name. LOL!

    Mr. Bernero,

    I admire the stand you have taken and the loyalty you have to your fellow writers and especially your crew. If you whip out a second show then rest assured that my whole family will gladly be watching it and this time Jill won't have to hit us over the heads with a set of dvds.

    To the CM writers,

    Hang in there and don't give up. The show's fans are not going to let you down. Jill would never permit it!

  28. Mandy Patinkin's picture on the blog. My first thought was what the hell was happening now! Damn. Chills went up my spine.

    Good things for CM in 2008 and to everyone who touches this blog and makes it so much fun to visit. All my best wishes and thanks!

  29. Strange how adversity or attacks from outsiders only make the CM fandom stronger. CM is the first fandom that I have become so deeply tied to and I think it is the combo of the show itself and the blog. Thank you for the safe and positive place to talk about the show.

  30. Happy times in 2008!

  31. Like Ed says...we really are a family.

  32. A truly wonderful post, Jill.

    2007 has certainly been a wonderful and freaky year. The CM fandom has beent through a hell of a lot this year--both wonderful and bad. But for me, the good outweighs the bad.

    I've been in fandom for ten or so years and this is the deepest I've ever been involved with a show. I love this show and all the people who work on it to make it happen for us.

    Thanks to Ed for being the person he is--I've never seen an Exec Producer who cares so much, not just about his crew and cast, but the fans of the show. That he takes the time to keep the fans updated with news--be it good or bad--is simply awesome.

    CM has an amazing crew and cast as well--who bring us wonderful episodes of the best show on TV. And while the writers' strike is an aweful situation--for the writers and all the crew that are affected, we fans have been honoured to have some of those writers in our chats. (I just wish we'd been able to do that without having the strike happen...). It's been so great "meeting" you all and getting to pick your brains about the show in general and your own eps.

    I've made some really great friendships in this past year through the CM fandom and for that I'll always be grateful.

    And a very big, hearty "Thank you!" to Jill for including me on this ride--it's been one of the most intense and interesting years of my life--I wonder what 2008 will be like? *G* Jill, without you, there wouldn't be the blog, msg board or website; you rock! And, I'd like to thank all our mods as well--you all do a great job.

    Here's hoping that everyone has a wonderful new year and a great 2008!

  33. Looking back on 2007 seems like a really good way to close the year. I really worry about the writers and the crew. I can't imagine that they are feeling any joy now and that is very sad. They have brought us so much joy this year during both good and bad times. I hope that this next year is good for all of them. CM is a great show for us as viewers but it their actual lives. I'm saddened by the lack of respect shown to these employees by TPTB.

  34. Jill, what a year is right! Lets hope for calmer times in 2008.

  35. I was just reading the ratings but it is hard to get too excited about them knowing the writers are on strike. Like you said in your post, the strike is the latest in one helluva year.

    Happy New Year to everyone!

  36. What a well written letter and so meaningful at that! I loved the pictures you used to illustrate. Happy soon to be 2008!

    Lee :)

  37. Ed looks like he wants to beat the hell out of someone with that strike sign.

    Great show. Great blog. Great things in 2008!!!!

  38. Hey J! You literally got to see the best and worst up close (AD & HAT)! Criminal Minds is my favorite show and I feel so lucky to have all of you to lurk around with!

  39. If you had a dime for every time I emailed you a question this year about the show you would be rich. Thanks for being so patient and friendly. I came late to the show but I am here to stay.

  40. Jill, you really captured everything that happened in such a wonderful way, and I appreciate so much you sharing your experiences on your trip to the CM set with us, all the wonderful information you have received from Ed and the others involved with the show, and just being you!

    Jill and Stacy, I have so enjoyed getting to know you two, as well as so many of the others who post on this blog, the message board, and the yahoo groups. It has been such a great time with all of you.

    Here's hoping 2008 is a great year for everyone involved with CM--the cast, crew, writers, producers, and the CM fanatics.

    Love to all!

  41. Thank you Jill, for giving us a gateway to connect more with our show and those who work so hard on it. It's partly thanks to you and every kind and open person I've met here that I'm so invested in this show.

    To everyone else: thank you for being a group of caring, wonderful, open-minded, respectful, smart people. Not that many fandoms can say that much.

    And lastly, to those that said Criminal Minds would fail: Look at the ratings. And weep.

    Happy (early) New Year, everyone.

  42. Thank you Jill for standing in the gap for the fans of Criminal Minds. The year has had it's ups and downs. But you have made it possible for us to feel so connected to our favoriate actors/actresses along with the staff of CM. Your commitment to CM and fellow fans has made it a wonderful year. You are the BEST and CM will continue to be the BEST in 2008!

  43. Jill, thank you for that insightful and heartfelt summary of the wild year that was 2007. Thanks for bringing us along for the ride and creating a place for all the fans to share in the wonderful CM experience.
    Happy New Year to everyone out there who loves CM!!!!!!!!!

  44. Jill, my warmest thanks for all you've done for us over this past year. It's been a wild ride for sure. But your patience and willingness to share have helped us grow into an amazing community.

    And thanks to Stacy also, for the thousand-and-one visible and invisible things you do to help this group grow and thrive.

    I suppose it's too much to wish for 2008 to be a nice calm ordinary year ... so here's to enjoying the ride together!

  45. What a great post.
    Thank you Jill and Stacy for all the information and positive feelings you bring to me.
    Here my greetings to you both, moderators, cast, crew, writers and
    all CM fans and Blog Members.
    Happy New Year 2008

  46. Awesome post, Jill. What a year it has been. Thank you so much for taking us along, for being our strength and courage when we needed it. Thank you for keeping us informed. Thank you for connecting us to Ed and the writers. Thank you for providing us with this incredible place. Thanks to you and Stacy for the wonderful website/blog and all that you both do to bring us together as a wonderful community.

    May 2008 be a better year for everyone involved in the show.

    Peace, joy, and love to you and Stacy.

  47. If I could have one CM wish come true for 2008 it would be a contract for the writers. I never knew the writers of any show before and I credit you for that. Since I started coming to your blog on a daily basis last year I have learned so much about them. Now I feel like I know them as well as the actors and I like that. Thank you to Stacy, Jill and the moderators of the CM yahoo group. I will try more to post comments.

  48. Thanks for this blog and the associated yahoo groups Jill. I know you started it, and it has snowballed...but I found the blog after I watched the show and wanted to find out more. And the blog had far more info (much more interesting as well) than the 'official' CBS I made this my home page!!!

    Thank you to Stacy for the tech advice :-) and thanks to everyone else for being so friendly. Mega thanks to Ed for the honesty, and everyone associated with the show for their respect of the fans.

    Happy holidays to everyone, and a safe and proseperous new year to all.

  49. Really great job on this letter Jill. I know how much you dislike writing but it was a great blow by blow of the rocky road we had this year. We are so lucky to be apart of the CM family. Big thanks to Ed for making that happen!

  50. when i found this show a year ago this past thnksgiving.i couldn,t waite for wed, nights to come.what was showing that night was about reid.that how i got hook on it.

  51. Awesome! I really enjoyed reading that. It sums up the year really well.

    Happy New Year to you as well Jill.

  52. O goodness, I must say I feel a emotion going thru my body

  53. O goodness, I must say I feel a emotion going thru my body

  54. Thanks to Jill, Stacy, and everyone for the blog. I came across it during the whole "he will shall not be named" mess. I have enjoyed it since.
    It is the only blog I check daily.
    Happy New Year to everyone. Here's to "the ride"

  55. Oh what a year... Thanks for the little review you gave us.
    Whatever 2008 will bring to us, we will pass it through together.
    I'm so glad to be a part of the CM family. :-D
    The very best 2008 for you, Jill - you really deserve it.
    CU sindee

  56. Jill
    Thanks for all you do for the fans. This is a great summary of our year. Thanks for being a friend to mea and so many others!

    Thanks, Stacy for all of your technical advice and good humour!

    Thanks Ed, and everyone involved in the show for trying to provide good entertainment, even though it is an uphill climb!

    Best wishes to all in the new year!

  57. Great post Jill - what a year!

    And a huge hug to you and Stacy for generally being ACE.

  58. Thank you for not giving up after the MP disappointment on your trip. I know that was upsetting to you and thank you for not allowing cbs to run you away when they ran over your face. I love this blog and the friends I have made. It is my sense of CM family and thank you to all of you who make it that way.

  59. Thank you so much, Jill! Well said and a huge thanks to all of the fans who've supported us throughout this difficult year!

  60. HI! I'm not sure if anyone reported this on this blog yet, but I was told by KGB that Mandy Patinkin left the show because his character was supposed to turn into a criminal and he refused to do the 'acts' that the writers wanted him to do. I actually applauded him for making that choice, because I LOVE the premise of Criminal Minds, however, I think the show is WAY too graphically violent. Then I let Patinkin's (alleged) reason for leaving set in and it occurred to me, "Why would it be 'okay' to be on a show that lets and demands that OTHER actors act out heinous vicious acts and pretend to be victimized, yet when the time came for YOU to be asked to do the 'dirty work', you leave the show." I'm not sure if that adds up or even makes sense.

    I still watch Criminal Minds because I LOVE Dr. Reid and his inquisitiveness reminds me of myself! LOL! but, I do change the channel when the violence gets too gruesome (myself being a victim of crime on more than one occassion).

    Did anyone else hear that this was the reason Patinkin left?

  61. Hi---I have an update on my latest comment: I read on one of Mandy Patinkin's webpages that he actually left the show because, although he knew the premise of the show and he knew that there would be SOME level of violence, he was not okay with the extraordinary amount of graphic violence. I applaud him for this.

    Actually, as I've mentioned above, I LOVE the premise of the show--especially as being a victim of a crime more than once, I am very interested in why people do what they do; however having said that, I don't think the show needs to be as graphically violent in order for the show to work. I think the show works DESPITE the violence. I think it is the fanstastic acting and writing combined that makes the show work, and I honestly think that the graphic violence detracts from the show; I know it turns some viewers off altogether.

    I wish Mr. Patinkin stayed on the show and that the writers got rid of some of the unnecessary violence (we've all been so desensitised to violence that it's actually...unfortunate).

    I hope the shows writers realize that Thomas Gibson and all of the other cast members can carry the show with their subtle psychological nuances and their characters other words, the characters are more important than the violence. We don't need to see a woman in locked in a small cage to be scared; the mere idea is psychologically scary enough, no?
