Monday, June 21, 2010


Criminal Minds: Lets remind CBS of why Paget Brewster is so important to the success of Criminal Minds. Comment about your favorite Emily Prentiss scene/line and every night I will email your comments to Nina Tassler at CBS.


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Anonymous said...

Back in Season 3, when she talked to Reid about the letter Gideon left for him:
" i think. you have to read that letter again. why of all the people he left behind, did he only explain himself to on person, you"
AH, so great!

I dont't ever want to miss EMILY on Criminal Minds!

Unknown said...

I couldn't have said it better than the person who wrote this!

"I can't choose one favorite Emily moment. I love that she's just as tough as any of the boys, kicking in doors & chasing down bad guys. She's absolutely able to hold her own. I'm especially reminded of all her scenes with Viper in "52 Pickup."

I love her devotion to the team, particularly when she protected Reid during "Minimal Loss." The end scene on the plane was outstanding. And I absolutely love her relationship with JJ & Garcia. The scenes with all the girls hanging out together are some of the best in the show.

I loved the scene where she confessed to Morgan that she's a nerd. And the scene with Garcia & Reid and Emily's high school picture.

I love that she's goofy and sympathetic and tough. I love that she has her moody moments with her team members, just like any family does. And I especially love her interrogations, which really demonstrate how good she is at her job. How she can be gentle and encouraging with victims, yet sly, manipulative, aggressive, or even understanding with unsubs.

I love her determination to make it on her own without trading on her mother's name, and her consequent aversion to politics.

I really loved "Demonology," which showcased not only just how amazing Paget is at her job, but how complex Emily is.

I've had a huge girl-crush on Paget Brewster since seeing her in Friends. There is no better actress for Emily, and anything short of giving her as much screen time as the guys next season would be a mistake."


Anonymous said...

I can't choose just ONE single scene!
I love her as a package!
I love her diversity and I love every single scene she's in!
My favorite Episodes are those in which EMILY has a lot of screentime!


Anonymous said...

The whole Demonology episode

Anonymous said...

What are you wearing?

A gun!

Patri said...

It's very simple

I've no favorite moments because........ EVERY single moment of the show from her translation from Arabic to the last scenes of Our Darkest Hour is MY favorite!!!!!!!

Aline1102 said...

The scene in "Open Season" when she makes fun of a guy that pretends to be an FBI agent.

Kirds said...

Once again, the scene with Brad, the 'real' FBI agent.
Her first appearance in Hotch's office, that's when I knew we were onto a winner with Emily and Paget in general.
When she surprises everyone by knowing Arabic in season two when she had just joined the team.
When she held JJ's hand when Garcia got shot.
Hung over in Vegas (what DID you get up to Emily).
When she is telling Reid the story of the star breaking up and how hard the puzzle is to put back together. The 'there's a lot to hate about you Dr. Reid' line is hilarious.
When she prods Reid's face in season four with the line 'He's so life like'.

Carlaa said...

Pretty much any scene between you and Morgan is just AMAZING! But em the best oh thats hard theres so many epic scenes! I'll go with you in Children of The Dark it was just a brilliant episode because it was kind of centered around you and you had so much compassion for Carrie.

Lil said...

Remember when Emily talked to JAne in "No Way Out"?
Everybody just treated Jane as if she's just crazy person, but Emily took her seriously and got her to open up!

borni said...

I have all the Criminal Minds DVDs, but mostly i just watch the episodes in which EMILY has the most screentime!

I would have no reason to buy the DVDs or watch the show without Emily Prenitss in it.

It's simple: NO EMILY - NO ME !!!!

Vera (Portugal) said...

On the way to Guantanamo, when everything is just new to her and she's trying to feel integrate, while Reid and Gideon are playing chess. It's just an example, she's great and I alreary remembered here other nice examples!

Anonymous said...

When she take care of Hotch in the season 5 beginning.

tina said...

I just LOVE The character of Emily Prentiss! It' s impossible to name just ONE moment!

But after all she IS the FEMALE Profiler! And we need the female perspective on the show and the cases too. It's very important!

Please keep Emily FULL-TIME!

Anonymous said...

Time to hit CBS where it hurts ---send these blog links and petition links to their advertisers. Women are the major decision makers when it comes to buying. Intelligence and beauty is what women identify with --not a pair of implants running across a lawn to catch a criminal. WTF Nina -- who do you think should emulate the American woman?
Boycott the advertisers as it will het CBS where it hurts! When advertisers bought into this show --they bought the team and now CBS pulls a bait and switch. Next thing you know they will pull Kathryn Willows off of CSI Thurs and replace her with a 22 year old---Yeah that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Loving the episode where Emily beat Reid in playing cards...and also love when Garcia calls her Emily the strange.

Christina Buck said...

I love it when Prentiss is talking to Morgan about Vonnegut. I loved it that she is a Vonnegut fan (and that Morgan is Vonnegut fan)!

Anonymous said...

Favourite moment...

1) of course the fake FBI agent bit... i agree that was hilarious.

2) Reid/Prentis on the plane explaining that puzzle to him. That was just too cute!!!

She's just too awesome.... we can't see less of her... that would be wrong

Lanna said...

There isn't one Emily moment that I don't love on this show. She's my favorite character and an amazing one in so many ways you would never understand. I could write you a novel, but I doubt you'd read it. I could write you a story, but you would just ignore it like you do with everything else, so I'll just be short.
I do not watch season 1 because she's not there. Again, I doubt you can understand that. But you better understand this...I will NOT watch season 6 if she's not there full time.
Among the great Emily moments, Minimal Loss, In Name and Blood and Demonology have shaped this character to a truly outstanding one. And Paget has had an immense contribution to that. There aren't any like her on screen and like this fanbase has been telling you for countless days now...WE WANT MORE EMILY, NOT LESS! For once in your life CBS...LISTEN!

waldingerz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
grigore said...

1.girls with the fake FBI angent and the shopping with JJ and Garcia
2.He's so life like - to Reid
3.After she and Reid were held hostage, on the plane when she told him it wasn't his fault

waldingerz said...

AJ & Paget hijacked by CBS

snowbelle said...

my favorite moment is at the end of minimal loss when reid comes walking out and emily just grabs and hugs him like the world is ending,i really think that is one of the best and most emotinal endings ever for an episode.SAVE THE CRIMINAL MINDS LADYS!!!!BECAUSE WE WANT MORE OF THESE EMOTIONAL ENDINGS FOR EMILY AND JJ!!

waldingerz said...

Have You Seen Me?
Paget Brewster on a milk carton

waldingerz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I live how she always has the amusing one liners in the show. sometimes it needs some levity and she's great at it.
Also loved her in the episode with the cult leader played by Luke Perry, can't remember the episode name but it was great.

Anonymous said...

Every moment with her! She is my favorite characters!

Anonymous said...

The crash in Retaliation. Amazing episode.

Anonymous said...

The last scene in "Haunted" with Hotch and Emily. Amazing and soo important scene.

Anonymous said...

A fave episode was when Hotch went to Prentiss' apartment and got her to go with him after she had resigned from the FBI because she was being forced to spy on him. The other scene from the same show was when she and Hotch arrived to help the others and they were so glad to see them--A TRUE TEAM

Justin said...

Retaliation: When Morgan pushed her in the wheelchair. The Banter between those two is awesome and then they are immediately back at profiling!
And later when Emily shot that guy through the window of the car!

Nobody can say so much just with their eyes as Paget does!

Unknown said...

Every Scene with Emily in it in Minimal Loss and in Retaliation are some of my favorite scenes also Demonology and the scenes where She is worried about Hotch in the Hospital in Nameless Faceless. But above all my favorite is scene with Brad the Real FBI agent. A close second is where Garcia is reading her horoscope in Cold Comfort. I love Emily she is my favorite character I won't watch an episode without her in it.

KriZia said...

My favorite Prentiss moment is from Season 4, Episode 3 ("Minimal Loss") when she and Reid are in the jet flying back to Quantico. In that scene she opens her heart to him to make sure that he doesn't feel responsible for her being beaten up by members of the underground cult for being an FBI agent because it was her choice to protect him from what she knew they would do to him. Such a beautiful moment and I think it particularly highlights Paget Brewster's prime acting ability that isn't capitalized on enough by CBS.

Oh, and everything in the Prentiss-centric episode "Demonology" in Season 4.

Anonymous said...

BTW--Who's stupid idea was it to cut AJ and Paget to begin with?

John said...

Hopeless: When Emily, Horch and Rossi are walking away from the shooting! Such a great moment!

And after that when they have a drink together!

I shows how close they became and that Rossi and Hotch have accepted her in their "circle"!

There is so much more to explore with the character of EMILY PRENTISS!
I would be a waste of talent and creative possibilities to let Paget Brewster go or limit her screentime!

Jason said...

There is much outrage from the female viewers, but my point of view as a male viewer:


I don't want to watch an all Boys club every week on my screen!

Emily is a strong, confident, brilliant and very beautiful woman and I just enjoy Paget Brewster playing that character.
She is simply outstanding! Don't let her go, it would be a huge mistake!

Greg said...

I work in law enforcement. And if i have to assemble a team, I always make sure that there is a female team member!
It's essential to the dynamics! Never ever would i think of an all male team as a good idea!

My favorite Emily moment? I love her in Seven Seconds! and her role in "Haunted"
Her line: "He's not alone..." always gets to me!

The team needs her!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't pick ONE single moment!

But the most important thing: I watch because of her!

I like that she is always the one who asks the questions: WHY do they do this? Do we make a difference? How different from them are we?

i think these are question profilers really struggle with and having that gone from the show would deprive
us of that touch reality the show needs!

And i absolutely believe that letting Paget go or limit her role would slowly mean the end of Criminal Minds!

Sheena W. said...

Emily,like JJ, has so many great moments. It's hard to choose! I love all the Prentiss/Morgan scenes where they go busting down doors and taking down unsubs. She's tough, smart, and hilarious! I love Emily and was so glad when Elle was gone!! I love the episode where she resigns and Hotch asks her to do one more case. She shows Strauss at the end that she works for the TEAM.

Ines! said...

here goes the list:
"Don't Emily me" to Rossi
"Tell me we're not done with him" to Hotch about Viper
"Non stiamo parlando di me" to the Priest
"It's me, it's Emily" to John
Pretty much everything... ok, just everything from Demonology.
"He killed these women because he's lonely?" to Morgan. Her face, priceless.
"I can take it" to the team through the mics as she took the beat.
"You were quick to flirt with me... but you'd run for the hills if I took you up on that..." to NY Cooper That scene is awasome.
Getting hit by a car and still running and catching the guy! and, from that same episode, The fight, "a gun..." and her face when Hotch asks her if she's ok going solo on the street.
"And why would she do that? (....) I told you I hate politics" to Hotch during In birth and death.
When she tells Strauss that since she's no longer FBI she can tell her not to go into the house, same episode. Also, "is it wierd that I'm glad I'm back" or something like that she tells Hotch when she's still covered with blood.
"If by IT you mean my entire body, then yeah!" to Morgan in Retaliation. Everything in Retaliation, actually.
The big game / Revelations, her supportinvness towards JJ and that she tells Hotch that he does not trust women as much as does men.
Confronting Reid about his addiction.
Confronting Gideon about Reid's addiction.
Only one episode with her mother and by PB acting we completely got the dynamics.
The scene with the rapist in Jones.
Seven seconds, how Prentiss confronts the aunt of the kid with the same amount of violence Hotch interrogated the uncle, whilst during that interrogation she was the buffer.
"Actually, he would have gotten you in three" To Reid about the chess match between him and Gideon, un Lesson learned.
Damaged, she's the first one to jump and help even when obvioulsy she hasn't been invited to. And she does the same for anyone on the team. That's being a good friend.
"You should go for it. You'd make a cute couple" to JJ, In heat. and some other comment she makes to JJ about Will being hot.
"JJ, I swear to god..." when she has a hangover.
52 Pickup, when she tells Hotch to leave Jordan some space and he responds that she (for Prentiss) did well under pressure, she just chuckles... that single gesture summarizes everything she felt until she was accepted. With just one little thing. THAT is called ACTING.

It will continue in another post because apparently I had too many things to praise about Prentiss...

Ines! said...

second part here...
A shade of Gray... Come on! Everything she does there is perfect! talking to the kid, then confronting his parents. Again, that, my friends, is PB nailing the acting.
Faceless, Nameless, going to find Hotch just because it's unlike him not to pick up the phone, and then keeping the truth from the team because she's professional enough to know that they need to attend the case in hand.
During The eyes have it, the almost non-existing interaction with Hotch when Morgan reprimands him for going after the unsub without backup. Morgan leaves, Hotch begins to walk away and she chuckles. Hotch turns, "What?".
"Nothing", she answers and one could swear there's a hell lot more than *nothing*. Once more, THAT'S ACTING!
The nail picking before she went in to be question by Strauss during 100. And the interrogation itself.
"Do me a favor... just play along..." to the unsub at the end of The slave of duty. Not to mention the kick she gave him and how she held him against the floor, her gun to his face. Awesome acting.
The laundry scene from Public Enemy.
The entire interaction with the kid in Solitary man. Everything. From going to meet her to turning her while her father killed himself.
"Maybe I should get a cat..."
"And I always win biiiiig..." to Morgan about Sin to Win. Not to mention, "then you probably can't handle the answer"
"I have the magic ingredient... it's called Splenda."
And, from the same episode, Reid is giving her DOB "october 197..."
"HEY!" She shouts. And her face while Garcia reads her horoscope, hillarious!
And, I don't know if last because the list could still go on in my head, but certainly not least, we have a character here that does not hesitate and puts the cargo pants and the army boots whenever needed, and kicks doors and jumps in in front of danger just like one of the guys.

Dawn said...

My all time favorite Emily Prentiss moment was when she did quite her job instead of whispering into Strauss's ear. It proved that Emily was part of the team and that there were things she wouldn't do to stay at the BAU.


LittleRobotGirl said...


Loved when she told Reid 'He's so lifelike!' or ' I hate you Dr. Reid'

CBS, Keep the Awesome Emily Prentiss on CM at full time|

Queen of TV said...

CBS and Nina Tassler,

Emily Prentiss is too good a character to be sideline! I want Emily in every episodes because she is great! here is why;

- To Mick from the spin off when he asked her what she was wearing, Emily ' A GUN!'

- Her having fun with JJ and Garcia at Brad the FBI agent expense!

- Her helping her old times friends in Demonology.

Queen Of TV

Ines! said...

I honestly hope the ladies (JJ Cook and Paget Brewster) as well as the CBS's big shots read these things we're writing. Ladies, we have your backs as much as we can. And we'll fight the good fight from our laptops or desktops, wich sadly is all we can do.

Anonymous said...

All the funny conversations with Reid ("you're so lifelike") and the moments in which she shows her woman-power, she's just great.

Vanessa said...

I've loved Prentiss since she first appeared in the show. The tenacity she showed in her small part in her first episode gave us a hint about what a complex, interesting and strong character Emily Prentiss is. We've learned so little about her really, she is quite mysterious and there is so much more to know.
I have so many favourite Prentiss moments, but my favourite has to be when she prods Reid and says "he's so lifelike". I also really enjoyed the episode "Children of the Dark" when we see Emily thinking of adopting an orphaned teenage girl. Paget Brewster's performance is brilliant - as she and JJ discuss the girl on the jet we see Emily's vulnerability and also her strength. It's a beautiful moment between the two characters and I don't AJ to leave or Paget's episodes to be reduced, so that we can see more such moments.

Anonymous said...


"Mrs. Prentiss."

does the don't-mess-with-me face

"Agent Prentiss."


Bill T said...

The Bar scene.

Without Prentiss and AJ, the show just would not work as well.

It would ruin the show.

Is cbs trying to undermine the show so they have an excuse to pay the cast less? Or is it a gender issue that is causing this lapse of judgment? Even worse are they trying to kill off the show and replace it with the spinoff?

What cbs is doing will not save money, but it will cost the show; the ratings will fall and with it so do the advertising dollars.

CBS if it is not broken do not try to fix it.

The fact is it just is not worth what little money the network would save; in the long run it will cost the network more.

Do the right thing and keep the show intact.

Lori said...

In 52 Pick-Up, when she finds out she is going to have to go bar hopping to find Viper and get him to talk, she says, "Oh, this is gonna suck."

And every other moment Emily Prentiss is on screen! Take away Emily and JJ and you take away the heart of the show.

DoctaJ said...

Its hard to narrow it down to just one Prentiss moment. She is my favorite character, so every moment she has tends to be my favorite from an episode.

What makes Paget so brilliant as Emily is her subtlety, its the mark of a truly great need for over the top emotion, outbursts, or ridiculous lines...just great acting

Her facial expressions are what sometimes get me the most...she doesn't even need words because the look on her face says everything you need

Great moments....all of "minimal loss", the car wreck and aftermath from "retaliation", the interview of the kid in "shades of gray", (interview of any kid for that matter), all of "seven seconds", "deomonology", and "outfoxed"...I could go on and on

My enjoyment of this show pretty much is in direct relation to Paget's screen time, so I would hate for that to be reduced, and for me to enjoy this show less.

Melissa said...

In the eyes have it, when she and hotch have a quick smile after Morgan had had a go at hotch for not waiting for backup. Emily's face was a picture! Love this character!!!

Allison said...

Oh I liked it when she shoved the gun into that unsub's face in Slave of Duty! The girl is badass! I so want to see more of her like that! CBS put her back on full time!

Anonymous said...

firing AJ cook and reducing the no. of episodes of paget brewster is seriously a huge mistake!!!! seriously!! what is the point of doing that!!! they contribute the the success of the show toooo!!! There is really no point in watching criminal minds again if they are not in it!

Anonymous said...

i reallly really love paget brewster in every single episode that she acts in and especially when she makes all the funny jokes and stuff... i really love when she beats reid in cards:) :) that was super hilarious!! seriously, paget brewster and AJ cook are the best actresses!!!!!

Julie said...

Personally I appreciate the personal interaction tidbits within the team. Prentiss holding JJ's hand in the hospital in Penelope. Talking to Morgan in Omnivore. Picking Hotch up on his return to work. Explaining to Reid the reason for Gideon's letter to him. Prentiss is a good friend to them all. And in this screwed up world we live in, and with so many backstabbing people around (Im sure you will recognize many of your own in that category CBS) it's refreshing to see such a character.

Sue said...

I watched Season 1 every once a while, i watched Season 2 regularly when Emily's character showed up, i watched almost every episode from Season 3 when Emily's character become defined, i started to get addicted to Criminal Minds with Season 4, when Emily's character became a full part of the team!

CBS, I think you get my point here!

As much as Emily's screentime will decline as much will my watching Criminal Minds decline!
And maybe i will just look up in which Paget Brewster will appear and get them on some dark ways through the internet.

Is this really what you want, CBS?

As for favorite moment? Way too many!
But i really loved her in "Shade of Grey"! How she handled the boy and the family was really impressive!
I love all her interview/interrogation scenes, especially with kids and women!

How can a team of the BAU manage without a female presence?
I think, they can NOT!

Amy said...

The humiliation of Brad "The Real Life FBI Agent" in Open Season.

In fact I love the way the three ladies always love and support each other. Their scenes are some of my favorite during the entire run of Criminal Minds.

The above scene from Open Season; the three of them walking in DC talking about men, shopping and drinking coffee in Exit Wounds; JJ going into labor and Emily and Garcia are right by her side.


Kenny said...

Who's gonna kick down doors with Morgan?
Who's gonna tease Reid?
Who's gonna challenge Rossi?
Who's gonna tell Hotch the truth right in his face?
Who's gonna be bitchy towards Strauss?
Who's gonna comfort which ever other female will be around (hopefully JJ!)?

So: Who's gonna hold the team together?
Because that's what Emily does in a very subtile and silent way.

And who's gonna throw me away with her performance when Paget Brewster won't be around?

Seriously CBS? You want to reduce the screentime of one of the most impressive female actors we have on TV right now?

Who made that stupid decision?

Anonymous said...

You can't break up Hotches ANGELS! I love all the interactions between our female characters and i especially love the scenes with all three of them!

You need to balance out the show's focus on the male characters if not the show will suffer from an unbearable testosterone overage!

I love Emily's interaction with every member of the team, bit I love her scenes with MOrgan the most!
They are great partners and friends! They trust each other unconditionally, they can geek about Vonnegut together and kick down doors together and they comfort each other!
I love their scenes in "Solitary Man"!

Reducing Emily's character would be a HUGE mistake!

Cindy said...

I am not at all interested in watching a show called: Criminal Minds - The Boys Club !!!

Sure i like looking at Hotch and Morgan, they are quite some eye-candy, but if it comes down to pick favorite moments of the show, it will always be Emily's moments who come to my mind!

"Minimal Loss" is my favorite episode ever!
Emily takes care of her family even if it means that she gets hurt! That's her character!

She is an integral part of the team and I don't think the show will survive the loss of 2/3 of its female characters!

And reducing Emily's role? Just stupid!

Unknown said...

DEMENOLOGY! The best performance of an actor of this show, we've seen so far (even if "100" wasn't bad either) !

How can you not want to use Paget's outstanding qualities and range as an actress MORE instead of less?

How can this be a "creative" change?
If you want to be creative, let the writers develop and define Emily's character more!
She's such an interesting character, one of the most intriguing characters we have on a Crime Show right now and the reason i watch Criminal Minds!

Anonymous said...

If i would want to watch a Crime show full of action and testosterone i would watch NCIS LA or the new CrimMinds Spin-off.
But that's exactly what i don't want to watch!

Criminal Minds was my favorite TV show, because it was different, because it also had great female characters, especially EMILY!

I would have no reason to tune in, if EMILY will not be a main character on the show anymore!

My favorite scene this Season probably has been where she's smashing in the window in "The Eyes have it"!

Bethy said...

WOW, it's been almost a week since i first heard about CBS stupid decision to reduce the amount of Emily's episodes AND I'm still beyond ANGY AND UPSET!

And i don't think this will go away anytime soon!

How should I be able to relate to Criminal Minds in the future when there will be no female profiler regularly on the team?
With which character should I identify with?

Favorite moment: Retaliation! When she kicked in the windshield and fired her gun at the truck while climbing that hill!
I sat in front of my TV and screamed out: YOU GO GIRL!

I can not see myself cheering as much for one of the boys!
Emily is the most exciting character on Criminal Minds!

Finn said...

Hey CBS, do you even take notice of the bad press and the huge outrage of the viewers you receive because of your stupid decision?

Are you even interested in what the fans of this show want to see?
If you would, you would have known that we want to get to know more about Emily and not less.

We want to know why she joined the FBI, why she is so good at compartmentalizing, why Strauss thinks she's reckless, what kind of "desk" job she came from, who her father is, why her "I can take it"-line was so convincing, why she was so much affected by the case in "Slave of Duty"........

So my favorite moments of emily would be every future moments in which the mystery of the character will be revealed step by step!

And to make that happen, we need EMILY FULL-TIME!

Finn said...

Hey CBS, do you even take notice of the bad press and the huge outrage of the viewers you receive because of your stupid decision?

Are you even interested in what the fans of this show want to see?
If you would, you would have known that we want to get to know more about Emily and not less.

We want to know why she joined the FBI, why she is so good at compartmentalizing, why Strauss thinks she's reckless, what kind of "desk" job she came from, who her father is, why her "I can take it"-line was so convincing, why she was so much affected by the case in "Slave of Duty"........

So my favorite moments of emily would be every future moments in which the mystery of the character will be revealed step by step!

And to make that happen, we need EMILY FULL-TIME!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful, talented and one strong woman! A true role model

Sussi said...

"You're finally gonna meet your soul mate Joe, in prison. Only you're not gonna be able to push them around the way you did those women. And when he comes over you in the middle of the night, when you're least expecting it you do me a favor, play along."

- Prentiss kan kick ass like any of the men!

Anonymous said...

Just read Finn's comment, and I completely agree. There are so many things we need to find about her that we can't just lose her. Her character is one of the most interesting ones, ever!

Tanya said...

1- 'A gun' to the guy in the spin off episode.

2- Her whole conversation with Todd while completely ignoring Viper in 52 pickup.

3- Giving Morgan hell for shooting a machine gun inside a SUV and almost deafening her!

Tanya, angry CBS viewer in Texas

Amélie said...

all time favorite was when Prentiss was shown her picture from when she was goth girl, too funny her looking like Siouxsie Sioux!


Anonymous said...

1. "In Name and Blood" - when the teams is so glad and delighted when Emily and Hotch walk in the room
2. "Higher Ground" - "BRAD" and on the plane her talk with Morgan
3."Children of the dark" - the whole episode! LOVE HER!
4. "Lo-Fi" - her conversation with Cooper about Profiling in the subway station
5. "Mayhem" - The hospital scene with Cooper: I'm not most people - NO, THAT GIRL IS NOT!
6. "The Angel Maker" - All of it, great episode
8. S4E13 - The cognitive interview with the girl in the hospital
9. "Cold Comfort" - It's called SPLENDA! and her interview with the pervert.
10. "Shade of Grey" - Emily handling the boy
11. "Roadkill" - "I think it means, he's stuck" The expression on her face says it's all - JUST GREAT ACTING!
and so on and so on...... i will be back with "Best of Season 5"

Anonymous said...

Emily is the shoulder to lean on, she shows us that women can kick ass!

How she looked after Hotch during Season 5!

She's so important for the team, you shouldn't underestimate the value of EMILY PRENTISS, CBS!

Katie said...

In "Roadkill" when Rossi asks her: Did you ever smoke? - I've done a lot of things........
We want to know what these things are!

And then later when JJ asks her: What do you think this means? - I think it means, he's stuck....
And then we get a close-uo of Emily's face and it's all in there!

What a great actress Paget Brewster is!
We need her on our show - full-time!

Kevin said...

"The Eyes have it" - At the end when she says to Hotch "Nothing" and then her tiny smile ..... Ah, Emily gets her boys!

We need a female perspective on the cases!

The show would lack so much without a full-time EMILY!

And I'm not sure if I would continue watching Criminal Minds without Emily and Paget Brewster!

Ulli said...

It's exactly like "Finn" said:
"We want to know why she joined the FBI, why she is so good at compartmentalizing, why Strauss thinks she's reckless, what kind of "desk" job she came from, who her father is, why her "I can take it"-line was so convincing, why she was so much affected by the case in "Slave of Duty"........

So my favorite moments of emily would be every future moments in which the mystery of the character will be revealed step by step!"

I doubt i would watch Criminal Minds without the great character of Emily Prentiss!

Anonymous said...

I am cheering for Emily Prentiss like i'm cheering for nobody else on TV!

She's just plain and simple my favorite character on TV!

If I had to choose ONE favorite moment, it would probably be the plane scene with Reid in "Minimal Loss". It shows how far those two came after a rocky start and that's exactly how far the viewers became with Emily Prentiss!


Anonymous said...

"So my favorite moments of emily would be every future moments in which the mystery of the character will be revealed step by step!"


Please CBS, don't take away the awesome character of Emily Prentiss away from us!

Jules said...

All EMILY'S interview/interrogation-scenes!
She's the best at that!

Why cut the role of the best?

Anonymous said...

"Higher Power" - Emily gets the victims she connects with the victims!

I don't see any of the boys doing that, sorry!

We need a female profiler!

Liz said...

Emily Prentiss is the best role model we have on TV right now!

"I want to be Emily Prentiss" That's how much i identify with her!

And I am not alone!

So, to cut down the role of Emily Prentiss would be a very stupid idea!

Keiran said...

Way to go CBS to get so much "BAD Press", I would even call it a PR-Desaster!

You can not let this team handle their cases without a female profiler! It's just NOT possible!

Favorite Moment? The cognitive interview with the girl in S04E13!

Paget Brewster is such an amazing actress, use her talent and you will get more viewers and a better show!

Anonymous said...

"MINIMAL LOSS" ! hands down, right after "100" the BEST Criminal MInds episode ever!


Ava said...

Too much to pick from..... but maybe her conversation with Rossi about her abortion in Demenology.

Which actress could have played that scene that GOOD?

pete said...

When you have two as great actors as Thomas Gibson and Joe Mantegna you need a female actress who can stand her ground and play them off!

And you can't get any better than Paget Brewster!
Why can't you see how important the role of Emily Prentiss is for that show?

I wont watch Criminal Minds - The Boys Club!

Anonymous said...

I love the interrogation scene with her and JJ in "Jones"!
Don't mess with Emily Prentiss!

Emily Prentiss is my hero!

Please let her stay full-time!

Lilian said...

Because of the character of Emily Prentiss i became interested in the work of the BAU/FBI.
And now I am on my way to become an FBI Agent myself!

That should tell you, CBS, what kind of great role model Emily Prentiss is and how convincing Paget Brewster is portraying her!

Anonymous said...

Loved Demonology, all of it! Another classic was the Brad a 'real' FBI agent, hilarious!


Anonymous said...

Because of this, i really considering Boycotting CBS completely! No kidding!

Emily is my favorite TV character EVER!

I can't even imagine my Wednesday nights without her!

All her moments on the show are my favorites!

Anonymous said...

Emily in any scenes with Hotch! Love those two together!

Ivan said...


Who can not love her?

My favorite moment: "Haunted" in the end when she tell Hotch, that he's not alone!

I can not imagine this show without EMILY!

Cindy said...

CBS, don't be stupid and keep the CM ladies! that said, have to sat that Emily Prentiss kick ass! Favorite moment? When she did keep it together despite being beaten by Cyrus. Unlike Elle Greenaway, she didn't lose it. Despite a bad situation Emily still did her job!

Anonymous said...

How Emily took the lead in the premiere of Season 5! Hotch was missing and she's the one that took charge!

That the kind of female role model I want to see!

Don't make the mistake to cut off Emily's role and DO NOT PISS OF THE FANS AND VIEWERS!

Anonymous said...

One moment? You are kidding me right? There are so many!

If only one then I'll go with 'he is so lifelike!' when she was talking about Reid! So funny!


Kira said...

"MINIMAL LOSS" "DEMENOLOGY" "RETALIATION" - these are my favorite episodes, because they are the only real Emily episodes we got so far!

I want to learn so much more about her!

The right move would be: MORE EMILY NOT LESS!

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Picking only one Prentiss moment? Just not possible!

I fell in love with the complexity of the character of Emily Prentiss and the way Paget Brewster is portraying her!

I won't watch the show without her!

Anonymous said...

"I'm not most people" (Mayhem)

and she is plain and simple: IRREPLACEABLE!

Anonymous said...

Is THAT the way you thought you could finally promote our show, CBS?

You never really promoted Criminal Minds anyway, but still it always managed to stay a TOP TEN Show.

It's a show you sell all over the world and Emily Prentiss is a much loved character of Criminal Minds!

I will never forget Paget Brewster's performance in DEMENOLOGY! Just OUTSTANDING!

Anonymous said...


and great rolemodel!


Don said...

Who will smile when Emily isn't around anymore? Hotch?

How can you even start to think about Criminal Minds with less Emily Prentiss? If anything there should be MORE Emily!

She can handle all the boys! And we need the female perception to solve those cases!

Anonymous said...


Do you get it CBS?

What kind of research did you do or did you just wanted to save some money?

Well here you go, it won't save you any money if you loose your viewers!

Don't mess with this great team!

Anonymous said...

Emily is the light we need in a deeply dark show!

Her smile lightens every room and situation!

"He's so lifelike!"
Nobody can deliver these lines like Paget can!

Christa said...

NO, you can not break up the "WONDER-TWINS"!
Emily and Reid are my favorite characters and Emily is the only one who can be a match for Reid!

I love Emily telling Reid: "You need to read that letter again!"

Pia said...

The Poker game on the plane with Reid and then Morgan asking her about her "Sin to win" weekend!
Emily 2 - the boys 0 !


I will not watch Criminal Minds without her!

Anonymous said...

When she talked to Reid on the plane at the end of Minimal Loss. Such a great scene!

She's Reid's big sister! She takes care of everyone!

The team needs her!

Anonymous said...

EMILY PRENTISS is the reason why I watch Criminal Minds!

I won't watch the show without her!
And if she'll only be part time on the show, I will find a way of watching those episodes without tuning in CBS!

Loosing your viewers, couldn't have been on your mind, when you made this stupid decision!

Anonymous said...

Who could ever forget the "Bar" scene with "Brad"!
Legendary Criminal Minds moment! and one of the most watched vids of CM on youtube!

The viewers love Emily even if her fans aren't that loud and cheery all the time!

We are more a silent kind of group, but don't underestimate us! WE ARE MANY!

Anonymous said...

Did you expect that much outrage, CBS? I guess not!

Well, you clearly misjudged the situation and the fans support and love for the female character on the show!


Emily is by far my most favorite character and i just don't want to miss her in one single episode!

Grace said...

How could it be "creative" to loose one of our team?

That we are still, after one week, that much upset about this, should tell you, that we want our team to stay together!

My favorite moment: When Emily took JJ's hand in PENELOPE

Anonymous said...

I need my weekly EMILY PRENTISS FIX!

I won't be enough to only see her once in a while!

All her scenes inKevlar and drawing her gun are my favorites! EMILY is KICKASS!

There's no one else like EMILY

Jonas said...

Emily is the one who holds the profiler team together! In her silent and subtle way!
And yet she's the one who will not be silent if it comes to injustice!


My favorite scene could be: Her interview with Jane in "NO Way OUT"

Paul said...

Do you really want to cut the hours of such an stunning and beautiful actress? Are you stupid CBS?
What's a guy gonna watch? Rossi?

I know there are a lot of female viewers out there, but we guys need something to look at too, and Paget Brewster is one of THE most sexy woman ever!

AND: She's also an outstanding actress!
This combination is hard to find on TV these days.

Don't be stupid CBS!

daisy said...

all of them!! i love emily and there will be a BIG hole in the series if she is not there on a regular basis or at all. she is a huge role model for women as a person and in the work place. leave paget and her portrayal of emily alone!! don't fix what isn't broken.


Anonymous said...

" I have a simple gesture.....!"

And i find, that's quite fitting in this situation!

It would be a huge mistake to reduce her role!
She is the one we female viewers can identify with, take that away and we won't have any reason to tune in every single week.

Anonymous said...

WOW, i wouldn't know where to start and where to stop!

I just love her in every scene!

The victims and witnesses trust her and we someone like that on the team!

How can you even consider to do the show without a female profiler in every episode??????

Luise said...

Emily has chemistry with every single team member and I think that's because Paget could play "having" chemistry with just everyone!
She's suc a great actress that I enjoy her in every moment of Emily Prentiss!

The BAU isn't just a bunch of male FBI Agents running around and drawing their guns BUT they are "Profiler" they do the brainy work! And their cases being almost all the time about women, we clearly need the eye of a female character here!

My favorite moment: Louise

Anonymous said...

I'm really considering boycotting CBS!
This decision makes no sense whatsoever !

At the BAU where, Hotch himself said it once, most victims are female, how do you want to work victimology and how do you want to work a working profile without a female profiler???????
That's just ridiculous! And i will not be satisfied with a part time role for Emily Prentiss!


One of my favorites:

"Paradise" - When she figured out that missing piece of the profile which lead right to the unsub! No one else, none of the boys, found that sexual aspect!

She ist NOT replaceable!

Peter said...

Emily: "I have a date!"
Morgan: "With whom?"
Emily: "My hot-tub...."
Morgan: "Now, that sound like a party...."
Emily: "You're so NOT invited!"

Emily-Morgan banter? Wonderful!

But she's not only the one who lightens up the mood! She's also incredible smart and very good with interviews/interrogations!
You can pair her with every male character and every scene just gets better because she is int here!

gia said...

I love Emily in "Rite of Passage"!
She can show that she's kickass together with Morgan, she can show that she's funny ( "I don't know what that means! and her eyeroll when he claims not to speak English!), she can use her language skills and she can show her tender side (the interview with the boy)!


Svenja said...

Her initial intro was a bit suspicious, but I started to like her after the first few episodes. I found it rediculous how alike we were.
But the minute she started talking about Kurt Vonnegut I fell in love with her.
I think her character is getting better and better as the show moves on, I can't wait to find out more about her!


Matt said...

It was scenes like the confrontation in Hotch's office and her trying to figure out Reid that made me gain a lot of respect for her. I've kind of come to appreciate her boldness and desire to prove that she is there for the job not simply because of her status.

Helen said...

Emily, well, Emily I adore. She is wonderful. She is amazing. She is awesome. I liked the way she entered the BAU, just trying to keep her head above water long enough to prove herself, without being pushy and horrible. I like that she's a kick-ass agent while still being soft!

Anonymous said...

I think Emily rounds out the team! The character of Emily brings the right balence of heart and strength to the team--and it's needed. And the character really has grown and evolved.

Don't change that!

Anonymous said...

I like Prentiss a lot - she is my favorite female character on the show. She is strong but at same time very heartful woman. Glad she became a part of BAU team!
I can't think of Criminal Minds without Emily!

Lana said...

She's the one that got me to regularly watch CM in the first place. Up untill then it was on and off. I love Emily. She is really one of the best characters out there, strength, integrity, caring, passionate, highly intelligent, very determined, compassionate, balanced, a very subtle and sharp sense of humour.

I don't want to watch Criminal Minds without Emily Prentiss.

Joyce said...

I have liked Emily from "Day 1"...!! When Emily/Paget came along, I welcomed someone who caught my attention. She did! She lights-up the screen with her beauty (especially her eyes).

I thought she looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL with her hair styled/curled in recent episode where she worked alongside our Hotch...!!! Even my husband noticed, and said "WOW...She is pretty!"

Liz said...

Having just rewatched "The Big Game," I just found two more reasons why I like Prentiss. One is her warning Morgan about sexy pickpockets. The other is her telling Haley that "everyone has been incredibly nice." And of course, Hotch... has not been, exactly. But she covers for him to his wife.

Beatrice said...

Well, the obvious reason to love Prentiss from "The Big Game"/"Revelations" is that she's the one who figures out how to narrow the list of possible locations. And that she's really worried about Reid, and you can tell, she's also just...Prentiss.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the many that really DOES like Prentiss, and have from the start. I especially liked her in "Open Season". Emily/Paget did an excellent acting performance!!

My hubby Russ agrees with me, and likes her also. Usually we like different actresse's performances (he looks more for the physical beauty,...typical man ::, whereas I focus on the acting aspect). However, we both agree that Paget Brewster is doing a great job.

Manda said...

I like her because I thinks she´s hard-working, sincere and upright, and she has a strong character. But above all, I really like her being enthusiast (talking about a book with Morgan, for example) Actually, I´ve started liking her from the "physics-magic" scene. I thought she was going to get angry and I was delighted when she wasn´t.

Anonymous said...

I liked Prentiss when she first made a huge impression on Lesson Learned when she was able to help by decyphering the arabic text that no one else could read. she doesn't act over her head and is down to earth,

Anonymous said...

I really like Prentiss because she brings a sense of calmness to the team, she just makes me feel that "we are going to get through this, together!" I'm really happy that the show added her, why would you want to take her away now?

Stacey said...

my favourite Prentiss moment is a tie between her interaction with Morgan about the sci-book they share in commom (just think how many people went out to buy said book and READ) as well as when she pokes the side of Reids face declaring him so 'life like'... to remove her from the show will be like ripping a family member out of their home. DON'T do it... please...

Anonymous said...

Emily Prentiss very quickly became my favorite character. Paget's portrayal of her is beautiful, with real depth and grace.

I find Emily to be fascinating, for many many reasons that don't need to take up space here, but i think she is a wonderful addition to the show, and I can't wait for more new episodes to see what they do with the character. I love her strength, her grace, her vulnerability - rare, though it is - I love her solitude and how hard she tries and I love her friendship with JJ. Its wonderful to see two strong, complicated women who can be quietly supportive instead of snarky and competitive with each other. I could go on of course, but i'm sure its all been said.


Anonymous said...

I was extremely fond of Emily since day one. I think she' just a sweet person, she's got a really good heart, she's righteous and stands by her principles.
I like her 'nerdy' side, yet sophisticated but not 'femme fatale". She's really someone I'd like to be friends with.

Valerie said...

I've liked her from the beginning. It was cute to see how hard she has tried to fit in. She is so correct about everything, very motivated, very driven to do a good job. I like that she speaks her own mind, doesn't just blindly follow, but is still respectful and knows her place. Obviously very bright and ambitious (but not at all costs). Though she has a lot to brag about and comes from a very impressive home she doesn't do so. Good sense of humor as well. I like her a lot!

Anonymous said...

Well when I was watching Penelope I loved the scene where JJ and Emily were talking to that one FBI agent who was taking away the crime scene photos.

Their moment was kind of like JJ was the leader who is in your face and Emily is the back up that makes you afraid to talk back to them. I loved it!

Emily is very though and very emotional with the UnSubs sometimes, I loved her in Seven Seconds when she was talking to the aunt!

Anonymous said...

I think she has many Hotch-like qualities. Perhaps she's represents him in his early years. She is diligent, hard working, competitive ... qualities that have propelled her career but she balances them so well with that level headed, mature, and caring side. She's very cool in my eyes.

Diane said...

I was skeptical about Prentiss when she first arrived because we were supposed to be. I mean, that's how she was written in--with everyone around her wondering where she came from and being suspicious. Over the episodes, I started to like her for her intelligence, her manners, and her strength. I started to love her when she let her inner-geek show, then when she acted on the courage of her convictions. By now, seeing how much she has become part of the team family, I think she's my favorite characters.

Anonymous said...

I like her sense of humour and how she shows she really cares about people (victims, survivors and her teammates).

Matilda said...

We can only hope to learn a more about Emily, and watch what makes her tick!


Kitty said...

I liked Em from the get go because she so totally called Reid on it when he was being a little stinker - & I love Reid - but he was having issues & being a little crankypants - & she called him on it like a big sister - I think thats one of the reasons they have a certain rapport now
Also shes a sci fi fan (vonnegut) & has admitted to being a "big nerd" - all great reasons to love her !

Anonymous said...

i like her sense of humor. i think that "he's so lifelike" wasn't part of the script. she just slipped it in and it worked.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite moments is when Prentiss and Reid are supposed to go check out this homeless shelter during a case, and she's all, "If that's OKAY with Reid," in this really nonchalant sort of way after he was a little...reticent earlier in the episode about needing her help. Really, she has a lot of funny lines she tosses at Reid. I enjoy their interaction.

Of course, the best one is when her, Garcia and JJ call out that fake FBI agent. Fantastic.

Anonymous said...

I have always thought that Prentiss was great but she has really shined since Season 4. The writers have really incorporated Paget's sense of humor into Emily and I think they really like playing to it. Nothing better than snarky Emily in Cold Comfort when Garcia was reading her horoscope. I think of her every morning when I add Splenda to my coffee!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Prentiss jumped out to me in the very first episodes that I saw her in. I loved that she could be a strong, capable, intelligent woman yet still have that softer, compassionate side that I don't think you get to see often in other characters--both on this show and others. I loved the fact that she was, is, a bit of a geek and still kicks some major league arse. It doesn't hurt at all that, in my opinion, Paget acts her butt off in the role.

Sarah said...

I like her because I think it would be really hard to be in the 'Boys Club BAU' and she handles herself very gracefully with it. She's witty, very intellegent yet she still fumbles and everything isn't completely perfect in her life. Much more relatable I find, personally.She's just overall a great character. I wish we had more episodes like Demonlogy. That has to be my favorite episode. Paget did such a wonderful job.

Anonymous said...

Emily/Paget is definately underused. I'd love to see her get more screentime.


Anonymous said...

I doubt I'll ever be satisfied with the amount of screentime Emily has. Every little bit they do give us just makes me want to see her more. I'm hoping that Demonology isn't the last of her storyline that we see.

Anonymous said...

We should start a petition. At least one Prentiss episode per month. I don't think that's asking too much, ya know? Why should Reid get all the emotional/mental/etc turmoil? (And no, I don't hate Reid. He's adorable, but hogging all the good stuff.)

Anonymous said...

As for why I like Prentiss...she's a strong, intelligent and competent woman, without being arrogant, and yet there's a definite hint of vulnerability that peeks through at times. Even just her first scene, when Hotch informs her she's not part of the team and then walks away, just leaving her standing in the doorway with the box of personal items. Ouch.

Then the next episode, when she's waiting by her desk while Hotch is talking to Gideon about taking her with him. He was right - this is a woman who's well prepared, but it also really reminded me of a kid just waiting to be picked for a team. Or waiting to be chosen to go into a game. Nothing overt or overblown about it that would take away from Prentiss' professionalism, just enough to make her real and sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Prentiss Moment...I have so many.

If go by episodes, I have to say that the scene with her and Morgan where she admits that she's a nerd, that she can hide it for days, weeks, but in the end her nerdy side comes out and scares the boys away. Open Season, in the bar "Ladies, this is Brad. He's a real FBI agent.", then they let him know what the what is.

Minimal Loss, when she takes the beating, protecting Reid because she is that awesome.

Besides, who else is going to tell Morgan that women don't want to be fixed, they want someone to listen?

Don't screw the pooch, CBS by getting rid of one of your finest characters, ones of the finest actresses that has ever crossed the television screen. Seriously, reducing Ms. Brewster is a mistake, and hopefully y'all would see that sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Why I like prentiss.. I actually started watching CM because I saw PB on Infanity. She was so funny that I hought I'd like to check out the show. The rest of the cast was great in the infanity interviews, but she stuck out because of her bit with the crew. So.. I didn't really start watching CM until Lo-Fi. I have since caught up with DVDs and have to say I really like the character of Emily. I love the way the writers play up her wit. If Paget is just improving on that, then it comes across well for such a dark show. I loved her in Demonology. I particulary loved the scene between her and Rossi when he took her for "coffee" to get her to open up. That took a lot of skill not to overdue.

Anonymous said...

Something about Emily stands out to me and going back and watching her first few episodes just cemented what an incredible character she is, particularly Lessons Learned, Fear and Loathing and Sex, Birth, Death. It's actually gotten to a point where I don't really want to watch first season episodes due to the lack of Emily.
And i wouldn't want to watch a Season 6 or later Seasons without or with less Emily.

Whimsey said...

I have to agree with the opinions of so many other respondents. Demonology is one of my favorite episodes. Paget was brilliant. I enjoy any Prentiss moment that allows her natural born smart*** tendencies to shine through. Prentiss is not a female caricature and for that reason alone I can strongly identify with her.

Melanie said...

Emily is a great profiler, cool and generous woman...She's very brilliant with Kids, and she's a good friend, especially with JJ, Morgan and Reid!!
I love her personality, and i loved "Demonology" because we got to know more about her past!!!!
I want to get to know more about her!

Anonymous said...

I loved the way she was willing to quit and resign just so that she didn't have to betray a friend's trust, even though at that time things were going so crazy at the BAU and she could have climbed the ladder in succession, but she didn't. It really showed me that Emily had integrity and was strong in character. And I love female characters with, excuse my expression, "Balls."

Anonymous said...

What I actually liked the most about the situation in "In Name and Blood" was that she didn't brag about it. I mean she didn't go like.."well guys you know I have to quit in order not to betray you...I'm sorry, don't try to talk me out of it.. Oh I'm such a great friend aren't I?". If Hotch hadn't confronted her, as much as it would have hurt she would have left. And it's great to see so much strength of character. It's not easy to give up everything you've ever wanted and the job you dreamed just to keep your integrity. That's one of the main reasons I like her. She's very true in everything she does.

Catherine said...

Well Prentiss is my fav character! Since the first time I saw her that I kinda fell in love She's a very strong woman, very intelligent, wounded... When she decided to leave the BAU for the team I thought it was incredibly nobel and the fact that she didn't brag about the attitude made me love her even more.

She's kinda mysterious, I mean we don't know a lot about her and I find that very interesting.

So there is so much more to explore! Please CBS; MORE EMILY!

Anonymous said...

She is my favorite character. I like her because she can be tough like one of the guys and be sensitive as a girl when needed. She is also smart and sassy. Quite a package!!!

julia said...

Well I started to watch the show on the episode 2.10 and I liked her instantly and after that in 2.11 she totally won me by standing up to hotch ... Emilly seemed like she always belonged there.
She's strong and balances the team very well and has extraordinary chemistry with every member of the team.

Special_Agent_Marta said...

Best dramatic moment in "Minimal Loss". Best funny moment in "52 Pick Up". But there are so many great Prentiss moments! She's amazing! Don't touch our Emily!!!!

astrid said...

Emily is an adorable nerd who seems to be right at home being a profiler!
Emily looks smoking hot with a gun!
My favorite moment: "Revelations" - When the team finds JJ after some tragic event, it's Emily who's on JJ's side like a lighting.

Anonymous said...

"Children of the dark" - It was interesting how it was Emily who really bonded with the girl. Her phrase:"That she can be a good daughter."! SO GREAT and INTENSE!

Paget is truly the cutest and the most adorable person ever!

Trish said...

It's episodes like "Lucky" that remind me why Criminal Minds just might be the best crime series on television:
Let's get the obvious out of the way: Emily RULES. "When a woman tells a man about her feelings, she doesn't want him to fix her. She wants him to shut up and listen." Emily, I love you!

Anonymous said...

3x09 "Penelope": Emily supporting JJ! I love it how Emily's the one who takes initiative. And that she doesn't even hesitate but takes JJ's hand like it's the most natural thing in the world.

Steven said...

Something I've always loved about Emily is her ability to empathize, and how she always manages to get people trust her.
And what would I give to be able to just gaze into Emily's/Paget's eyes!

Why would you waste such talent and beauty?
She need to be full time on the show!

Chris said...

"3rd Life" :
Really, Emily smoked? Oy. Apparently she was a rebel as a teenager, which isn't that surprising when you take her mother into account.

Yes! Kicking in doors while being sexy.

There's no one on TV right now that is so sexy yet intelligent and smart at the sam time than EMILY PRENTISS!

I watch because of her!

Anonymous said...

Oh God, do you remember the episode in which Rossi's old case got solved ( in Season 3 - i forgot the name)!

Here are my favorite Emily moments:

1. Emily: The guy [Rossi] is a fussy, anal-retentive neat freak.
Paget, I love how you deliver lines like that!

2.Emily: You're buying, I'm drinking!
Morgan: I don't think any of us would afford this place otherwise.

3.Rossi: Why do you care?
Emily: Because you do.
I actually found this sweet. This was the moment in which Rossi finally gets the point of working in a team.

4.! But the ending, the ending! (JJ+Emily both!)

JJ telling about Kevin and Gracia "Sitting in a tree" and Emily responding "Just when i started to believe nothing scandalous would ever happen at the BAU!"
And then Emily is shaking her head at Reid, who has no clue!

We could have so many great scenes, but we need our female characters!

Don't ruin our show!

Rita said...

It is impossible to post a Prentiss favorite moment. We all love her for the hole character and for what we have seen through out the seasons.


Portugal says: they can't leave!

Gaby said...

We need more Emily, not less. The best parts of the past 3 seasons for me have been Emily moments. There is such an opportunity to explore her character with more story lines, and if her screen time is cut, I am afraid that we will never get to see the great story potential for her.

I will not watch if my favorite character doesn't get explored. 4 male profilers and Garcia sitting behind a desk, is not my idea of stimulating television. (Even though I do love the other characters) Paget is too good an actress to be treated this way. I hope the Emmy's realize this and reward her while CBS shoots itself in the foot.

Nikki said...

The very first episode she ever showed up in, when Hotch returned from the case to find her waiting in his office. She ROCKED that!

Can'tSpell, DVM said...

Prentiss and JJ are both strong, decisive characters on the show. They make the show much more rounded and make it feel more "real" to me as I identify strongly with both characters. My favorite moment hands down is when JJ, Prentiss, and Garcia humiliate the fake FBI agent... that is SUCH a classic scene! Also, I thought "Demonology" was such a super episode- we seldom really get to see the back story of our favorite FBI agents, and that was a doozie! Please keep Paget Brewster a regular, every-episode part of the show. I know I will not be returning to this and other CBS shows if you don't.

gubegirl said...

Wrote here on that first day and I guess it got swallowed up by the blog-monster so I feel compelled to write again.

I find myself watching CM reruns sev X wk on A&E and ION and am always disappointed if they are very early ones and Paget is not on. LG is a good actress but just was never part of the family-team that Emily is. She could be tough, if not downright kick-ass but she could not pull it off as nicely as Paget does. PB has the right contrast of softness to her toughness; she is feminine and very intelligent, disarmingly honest, sensitive and perceptive and seems to always know the right thing to do or say.

I also agree with Christa about commenting to Reid about the letter from Gideon: and she barely knew Gideon because he left shortly after she started. She is very intuitive and I feel the team totally trusts her and feels comfortable with her.

The fact is they are FAMILY to each other and someone else said to remove her or AJ would be like pulling a family member from the family: I totally agree. It FEELS terrible. I do not want to support such an action, no way, no how.

I say, KEEP both ladies - they are both awesome and we can't, CM can't live w/o both of them.

Neoshia said...

My favorite Prentiss moment is definitely with the ladies at the bar when she introduces JJ and Garcia to a "real" FBI agent! My close second was when the ladies were on a shopping trip discussing Emily's dating life, and she said, "maybe I should get a cat." That was priceless. Really hope CBS reconsiders this move :(

Anonymous said...

"Are you alright?"

Anonymous said...

Cause I love her eyelashes! Yeah that's right!

I'm not watching if she's gone or I'm only watching in the episodes she's in if her role is reduced!

Carla said...

I don't want to imagine an episode without Emily. She is my favorite next to hotch and I so love the bond they have built. But it is more than that. Em has a different bond with each of the team and nobody is going to replace that. We want more prentiss not less. Listen up CBS.

Walburga Benker said...

Thinking of " He is so life like" when she touches Reid face. But there are so many moments and we want this Prentiss moments in every episode. She is so strong but also can be so funny, brings this magic into the team.

It will be not the same without her.

Sara said...

Emily chose to leave the team instead of selling it out. IS there a better moment than this.

Anonymous said...

Paget/Emily is the reason I watch Criminal Minds! She just adds sooo much to an already awesome show. Prentiss is the whole package, shes beautiful, smart, brave, funny, and loyal. I don't think I could pick just one Emily moment as a favorite because there are so many good lines, and scenes! I love Emily and won't watch CM anymore if she's gone or reduced. Come on CBS!!!!

@sarahshany said...

I am a French fan and I like a lot the show since it started almost six years ago.
I love all the actors and actresses but the actress, without context, which is like me without hesitation Paget Brewster.
I learned about this tiny woman who has character and humor hilarious, because I did not know anything, I remembered her in several television series and movies in which she appeared.
Let the character. Agent Emily Prentiss has reached on the season 2 ... at first I did not understand too much the character of Emily, but I am invaded by such a curiosity that I made that character my character ... simply because she looks like me. Emily was not necessarily a character to which we will focus, because it seems cold at first, but when one begins to know his qualities, his faults, desires, its obsessions, we find that it is the strongest woman, the smartest, a kindness, she is always there for those teammates, even if only by small details, her desire that this team is welded for better or for worse. Emily Prentiss is no context for me a key figure in this series, we follow it, we listen carefully because it represents the strong and independent woman in the 21st century. To me it seems inconceivable that this character disappears, she is the only woman profiled, and then JJ and Garcia are not really profiler. She stands up to this group of boys! The question I ask myself and that probably other fans ask is why reduce his visits to a few episodes? The character of Emily deserves so much better than a few episodes, the character of Emily is worth lingering on his character, we know who she is. In this quartet of boys profiling need that balance, as in the scales of justice, we need to Emily.

Paget BREWT is perfect for this role, she is the stereotype even the FBI, she imitates to perfection. Do not limit his character, that character must be progressive and not regressive! I want more about Emily!

Gallowmere ..:Prentiss:.. said...

She's my fav character, there's many moments:

1: "What are you wearing?"
"A Gun"

2: When she beats Reid on Poker (5x20)

3: In the bar: "Girls, this is Brad, a REAL FBI AGENT"

4: She was perfect on "Demonology"

Kirsten said...

This is just the stupidest thing EVER. CBS, I cannot type the words I would like to right now... or ever. You have continually tried to ruin the only show worth watching. Taking Emily is the final straw. You can take your station and shove it.

EVERY scene with SSA Prentiss is a good one. I enjoy her banter with Reid "so lifelike", her caring and concern for Hotch "are you [ready]?" and of course, her moments with the girls. Little hard to do that without any.

Paget deserves better and so do we fans. Emily Prentiss = FULL TIME!

MKT said...

Its got to be a bad dream... a total nightmare. Taking Paget away from CM???! WTF are you thinking???

I refuse to pick one moment or even one episode because I've enjoyed them all! Why can you not seem to get that we fans love our Emily???

Bring her back full time or I'm outta here. Sexist pigs, all of you ptb.

Emily (yes, really) said...

I am incredibly angry. Paget is a critical member of our team and much loved by fans (are you getting that yet cbs???). She has been awesome since her arrival. She is a great role model for young women (hell, even for us older chicks). She has shown loyalty, bravery, compassion, intelligence... I could go on but since you won't read this anyway... you seem to have lost your eyes as well as your ears. Well, if Em isn't back in all epis, find yourself another viewer. This is sickening behaviour for a major TV station in the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

There are so many moments I love... _After Gideon's leaving, when she's with Reid and tells him he sould read the letter again...
_The "Brad" moment of course ^^
_When she quotes Dovstoievsky
_Her game with Cooper in 3.20
_Minimal Loss!!!! One of my favourite episode!!! She's so brave, it's just amazing!!!!

And sooo many others... <3

Helen said...

As I love JJ, so too do I love Emily Prentiss. With the arrival of Emily and Rossi, the team - the family - was completed, and every time she is on screen she delivers, as Emily Prentiss the FBI agent, and as Emily Prentiss, the sister.

There are so many great parts with Emily, it's hard to pick. These are just a few.

"The Last Word" - her first appearance on the show was briliant. She was unassuming but persistent, knowing that she was able to do the job. I'll always believe that it wasn't just her profiling that did Hotch in, but that combined with the fact that she came back. She did not slink away with her tail between her legs when he said "no" the first time, but nor did she react poorly. She simply persisted.

"Sex, Birth, Death" - when she stands up to Hotch, letting him know what kind of person she is. "I hate politics". She doesn't play them, and she is most definitely not about to betray her team - soon to be her family, completly and utterly.

"Open Season" - showing the great relationship between Emily, JJ, and Garcia for the first time, and illustrating the great sense of humour they all have. Also, how ruthless was she, bringing "Brad" the "FBI guy" back to them all to tear apart? What a great opening to the episode.

"Children of the Dark" - here, once again, we see the compassion Emily has for all human beings. We also see the friendship between JJ and Emily - they are their for each other, always, as sisters and part of the larger family.

"Lo-Fi" - her playful banter with Cooper, as she puts the flirting detective in his place; the way she chases down the suspect and takes him out when he refuses to put down his weapon. She has so much compassion for human beings, but she will do her job, always, and protect those around her.

"52 Pickup" - wow, can Prentiss own. Watching her take Viper down was priceless, and once againg seeing her check Hotch, reminding him of his human side, was beautiful. If you want proof that Emily Prentiss is an important part of this team, look no further; as boss, Hotch has the final say, but time and again he pauses to let his team voice their opinions. And often, he knows they are right. This is just one of those instances.

"Demonology" - enough said.

"Amplification" - watching her and Rossi, as she struggles with the aspects of her job she most dislikes (lying and politics) is fascinating and almost heartbreaking. Knowing that her loyalty to her family and her job is paramount, and seeing her prove it despite her distress.

"Faceless, Nameless" - how could you watch this episode and not see how much she cares for her family?

"Haunted" - again, her support of Hotch is further proof of how important she is to her family, and what they mean to her. She quietly reminds him that they are there for him, and otherwise offers silent, unwavering support. Emily Prentiss will offer her whole self to take care of a family member.

"Outfoxed" - despite her experience and skill, she is still horrified by the things she sees, hears, and does. Despite it all, she is still human. And that makes her wonderful.

"The Rite of Passage" - her and Morgan bickering like the siblings they are, so priceless, and all the other exchanges they share in this episode - when Morgan takes out the fleeing suspect, and after he fires off the machine gun inside the vehicle.

Add to those scenes every time she has ever teased Reid or Morgan, or joked around with JJ and Garcia. Heck, add every time Emily Prentiss is on screen.

Sara said...

Favorite Prentiss moment is when she has the star puzzle.

Amaia said...

Emily is one of my favourite characters and the best female agent on the show. Why? There are many reasons: she's stronge, she'll do anything for the team, she'll do anything to protect a victim, she can obtain information even from the toughest guy, she's brave, she speaks a lot of languages, she's witty, intellingent and the friend everybody would like to have.

Many of the best moments of the show have been starred by her but maybe the CBS has forgotten them: her conversations with Hotch, how she is always considering things about her job, how she supports Reid even protecting him not to be beat, the "Demonology" episode...

From all the characters, Emily is the most human to me, the most sensible and sensitive and sadly there are no many characters like her on TV. Does really CBS is a guys cop show? The female characters are very important, Emily Prentiss is very important. Giev Paet a whole season, don't reduce her appearance to some episodes because, in case you haven't notice people from CBS, she's an amazing actress.

Chico said...

If JJ is gone, and Emily is reduced CM will never be the same incredible show. All 7 of the cast members is what makes the show so wonderfully effective--in spite of the horrid subject matter. The balance of humanity and compassion,as well as professionalism their characters provide is what makes my family rush to that TV on Wednesday evenings. It's rumored that you're bringing in another woman to take JJ's place? UNACCEPTABLE.

If Emily and JJ's presence are diminished or removed, then my family and I have vowed to no longer watch CM--- even tho we love the other actors, and wish the best for them. Actually, I will no longer watch ANY more CBS shows because this will demonstrate to me that CBS has little respect for its fans. It appears that CBS is no longer any better than the other two short-sighted, cold-blooded networks. Three of my favorite 5 shows are on CBS: CM, The Good Wife, and CSI/NY. And tho it will break my heart to no longer watch these shows, I'm sure I'll find acceptable substitutes. By the way, did Charlie Sheen's fans beg and plead with you as we are doing??? said...

I love every Emily moment - she's the best in the show!

My favorite JJ moment though, hands down.... when she shot the guy that shot Garcia THROUGH THE GLASS WINDOW right in the head!!! AWESOME!!!!!

Emily said...

I love the episode when Emily Prentiss took a beating for Reid. She was brave, strong and intelligent . Without her and A.J. There wouldn't be a strong woman idol figure . Besides Penelope (who is only the computer techy one)! She is the calm one who keeps the team together, who dosent panic and who solves so many mysteries in all of the cases. She iss admired so greatly that viewers and fans of the show have come together to try and save her spot on the team ! We love you Paget!

Anonymous said...

I have many, but the three that are tied for first place for me are; The episode where Morgan is talking to Prentiss and she's telling him about how much of a geek she is, and how she hides it for a while then says something incredibly geeky. Then the one where Garcia is reading Horoscopes to Kevin, then asked Reid for her birthday, which she stopped him from saying her birth year. And Garcia says "You're just upset you don't have the magical ingrediant" and she goes "I have the magical ingrediant. It's called splenda" And finally when Prentiss Garcia and JJ humiliate that fake FBI agent Brad.

Anonymous said...

"Ladies, This is Brad, a real FBI agent... do you have to carry your gun and badge everywhere... can we see it... Tell me Brad, did it look anything like this."
"There's a lot to hate about you Doctor Reid"
"He's so life-like"

Unknown said...

Paget Brewster was my role models when i started watching criminal minds in season 2...... i remember i used to run around with a toy guy and pretend i was her ... lolz the show wouldn't be the same without her, she brings humour, drama, intelligence, and beauty. She's a phenomenal actress. The tv show producers are always kicking off actors and actresses like they're trash..... PAGET BREWSTER IS NOT TRASH SHE"S AND HUMNA BEING AND IM A GIGANTIC FAN

Unknown said...

Paget Brewster is and has been my role model since her phenomenal performance in the " Big Bad Swim".. when i found out she was on CM i was soo happy. I remember when i used to run around with a toy gun and pretend to be Emily...lolz. Paget brings emotion, drama, humour, intelligence, and beauty to the show. Tv ppl are always kicking actors and actress's off shows, not caring how it feels for them, they trow them out like trash.. PAGET BREWSTER IS NOT TRASH SHE IS A HUMNA BEING AND I AM A GIGANTIC FAN!!!!

Anonymous said...



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